Monday, September 8, 2008

Palin ponderings and politics of gender

Well, even the cynic Queen could not have seen the treatment of this woman, BY OTHER WOMEN, coming in this election, at this time. . .and if we, as a group, are going to continue to vote with our ovaries, we deserve what we get. . .

I guess the changeling's minions forgot that this was supposed to be a "clean" election and that "families were off limits". . .as a female parent, I am AMAZED at the crap running from the mouths of some liberal women, and struck by quite a few things;

When looking at Obama, and his ties with people like Wright, Ayers, Farrakhan, we are to believe that there IS no such thing as guilt by association from Camp Obama and the media. . . .UNLESS you are the other side. THEN GWB is the REASON for the badness, YOU are the same as HIM, and YOU are BAD! Sarah Palin is the MOST experienced executive officer of the bunch, and now SUDDENLY having no experience is a . . .wait for it. . .BAD thing!

Apparently, Obama is counting his 2008 summer tour as experience in world politics. . .you know, where he had an opening act, a rock/music act that gave a free concert. . .right before the speech. . .but I digress

So, it is ok to have no experience. . .if you are Obama
It is not ok to have experience in Washington. . . unless you are Biden

It is OK for a murderer to open the DNC convention *(can you say Chappaquiddick, Ted)?

But a unplanned teen pregnancy is SCANDAL!!

And the smears about how the baby was actually her grandkid, and why did she feel she had to hide the pregnancy? If you are really that clueless about the world of work and the pregnant body. . .I cannot help you. . .I understand PERFECTLY why she hid it, I did the same, and I was a NURSE. . .so shut UP about that!

Obama has not seen his kids in MONTHS for longer than a day. . .or has he? We never asked, BUT we are asked if Palin should be running, since, you know, she has kids, one of them special needs. . .and WOMEN are saying this!! On TV with no SHAME or AWARENESS of their own limited stunted thinking!!

Letterman asking Dr. Phil if we can trust Palin, since, well you know, she is not that great a mom. . .just LOOK at her daughter and her son, how can we trust THAT??? Gee, Dave, we should ask YOUR mom how you knocked up someone at age 50? Didn't you KNOW better??? What kind of mom did YOU have. . .oh, but you are a liberal. . .hmmmmm WTF, liberal dems?

She had a baby and came back 3 days later. . .if she had taken longer should would have been milking her leave, just like a WOMAN- and do not even get me started on the breastfeeding comments!

Democrats, I have looked the other way for a LOOOOOOONG time, and now, when there was a woman in play for the nomination, you chose the changeling with NO credible expereince or plan. Fine, but to attack a woman for doing exactly what you suppose to empower them to do. . .BECAUSE she is on the other side of the political fence, sorry, your gender politics seem to me a bit suspect. Especially with the Biden pick, if Hillary was so bad, why is that hack ok for VP, and are you really telling me that Hillary declined to even be vetted?

I think I really have to look at my party and PUMA!!!!!

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