Sunday, September 14, 2008

You Too can be Sexist!

Or at the very least, hold views that are. . .many female members of the MSM are trying very hard to distance themselves from charges of their sexism and bias. . .sorry, but being female doesn't mean you cannot be seen as sexist. Just as men can be feminists, women can be sexist. . .so, try again. . .

See, it is sexist to question if women with children can work at high level jobs. . .isn't that what is at the heart of the glass ceiling? So, if you are counting on your Democratic Party affiliation and your XX genes to avoid being questioned about this talking point. . .not gonna work. If you have children, or you do not, or you never want them EVER, doesn't matter, choosing to have them by any means, should not mean you are shuttled onto a mommy track with a socially defined stopping point "NO MOTHERS WITH CHILDREN BEYOND THIS POINT!!!!!!" Do you even read what you write, or listen to what you say????

Having lower expectations for women because they are moms, or worse yet, attacking them for refusing to submit to them because they are female IS sexist, no matter what party you belong to. . .and even worse? If the GOP were saying it, you would be FURIOUS. . .

Sexist and elitist. . .stay class Democratic party!

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