Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Home to roost. . .

My poor students, well, some of them! They are really worried, as am I, about this mess in the economy. . .with good reason.

I can honestly say that this is the day I decided, for sure, to vote for McCain. When it became unclear if the agreement could be reached, he did not hesitate- he resumed the role he is currently being paid to do, a U.S. Senator, and suspended his election efforts in order to go do his job.

Obama? No, he felt that "multitasking" is an essential skill- and debates with crashing markets and a fight in. . .where is that again. . .oh YES the Senate, where he is supposed to be. . .doesn't need him all that much. . .after all, OBAMA is running for president. . .he cannot be deterred by a silly thing like a crisis!

He told Lauer that his healthcare "initiative" will have to be put on hold. . .wonder if that is the CHANGE I need. . . I wonder if the Changelings know the message is "changing" and his new world order. . .needs fiscal help. . .


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