Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Out of the woodwork

The disgusting attacks on this woman have really shown many for the shoddy humans they are. . .

Democratic Underground has since removed the post, but also insists that it was not offensive nor was it in any way attacking a 4 month old. . .I beg to differ.

I still cannot believe the lengths that Obama's supporters is going to to smear her and her family, all while declaring HIS family off limits. . .disgusting!


Georgiann said...

Hi "Rainmom",

I love your blog. I specifically admire your strength and courage in sharing your thoughts about the election (i.e., your political support for a Republican)---especially when (maybe I am wrong here) most of your blog readers are supporting Obama/Biden.

My question for you is this: While I certainly have my issues with Obama/Biden (I publicly supported Clinton throughout the primary), don't you believe that the Republican party is substantially worse socially, economically, internationally, etc. for our country? It just seems to me that someone that has overcome so many obstacles wouldn't support a political party that fails to even acknowledge that such obstacles exist let alone their involvment in their existence.

I am not suggesting Obama/Biden are great, nor I am suggesting Clinton is any better. Rather, I think the Democratic party are at the very least more concerned with dismantling the inequalities that so many of us seem to face on a day-to-day basis.

Again, I really, really, really admire your opinion on this sensitive topic. You are awesome on sooooo many different levels! =)

Ema said...

I KNOW how hard it was to post this question, you have not been gone from Milwaukee long enough to be over the fear . . of. . .the. . .RAINMOM:)

Your question is interesting, but I can honestly say that looking a this situation, it seems clear the Democratic party has stopped taking my concerns to heart, and these attacks show that over and over again.

Democrats are sking if a mother can/should/ought to be doing this?? In 2008?? Is it really too much to ask that we really embrace bipartisian governance?

To attack her family, her job, her ambitions because she is on the wrong side of the political fence, rather than confront the issues that are supposed to be discussed, well, that just kills me.

I have been a party member for as long as I can remember, and I thought that it was the party that stood by me on these issues of motherhood, empowerment. . .and this race has revealed a rather murky slimy underbelly that sees it as somehow cutting edge to trash a mom for having ambition, for putting her kids on stage, even the imperfect ones, and to STILL accept the job offered to her. . .by a man, not a party, who saw the potential in her.

Say what you will, when given the chance to select a qualified woman for VP only 1 man answered the call. . .and it was not at 3am:)

BTW- Pumpkin costume FOR SURE:)

My vote made it 50/50 ;)