Friday, September 12, 2008

The Die is cast- My company remain loyal to the Democratic principles of fair play and equality, and the spirit of duty and kinship

And for that- we are banished.
Really, the last straw was the letter to the editor- and the mentality that because I am a woman, I need to "be careful" and not assume that Palin is the Hillary of the GOP. My G-d!!! The gall!
I have had problems with the more liberal members of the party for a long time. In 2003, in my office, in grad school, the "safe zone" stickers that promised that it was an equality zone. . .for the like minded. Hearing my fellow students deride other students for their "backward" and "intolerant" and my personal favorite "ignorant uneducated" views, and still wonder why many students felt out of touch with their educators. Myseld included. I often wondered how many students approached our door, and decided not to enter, because of the blatant bias displayed right next to the rainbow stickers. I think of my son, in his world studies class, when the professor spent an entire class period ranting against Jews and Israel a la Mel Gibson. . .and the powerlessness he felt, wanting to speak up, but feeling outnumbered. . .and on and on.
Democratic ideals, to me, should include extending a hand to others, even if they disagree, ESPECIALLY if they disagree. There is nothing at all different in the change I see flowing from the mouths of those who support Obama, and his nasty turn in the past few weeks has really shown me a glimpse of what life will be like for those who will not "change" for the sake of change. I get the feeling Obama and his supporters will somehow feel entitled to some payback, especially the followers that I have contact with, payback will be a bitch for seditious bitches like me. . .
For too long, the message has been, you are free to believe what you want. . .as long as you agree with us, if not, you are a ____________phobe and a ___________ (fill in your diss of choice).
I have always been an independent, and for many years, this hegemony of ideology in the Democratic party has felt more like V for Vendetta than We the People. You are now a traitor, or at the very least suspect, if you do not bash America and Israel, you are a phobic if you question anything on the basis of your personal beliefs, and do not even get me started on religion. . .as I am a bitter clinger oner (or Klingon) I am not to be trusted. Never mind I have never owned a gun in my life. . .but have fired a few.
Right now, mainstream media is trying very hard to convince the American people "why they need change" and when I think about the changes his followers have in store for people like me. . .I shudder.
Right now, at the very least, I have the audacity to believe in the American people.
It is still a free country, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rainmom, I know exactly how you feel. When I try to explain to my family, friends and co-workers that I didn't leave the democratic party (never a member, leaning independent), they left me, they look at me like I'm Grim Reaper.

To quote Conan "Then the hell with you." (not sure how that would be spelled with an Austrian accent.)

I refuse to change my principles and morals because some idiotic, immature brat says I'm wrong.

Ain't going to happen.

Stay strong, there's more of us than them, and we will have victory!