Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Snow Business like show business!

Ok, so we are FROZEN SOLID here! Snow day, whooo hooo! Well, not so much, I am missing class tonight. . .car is SO not starting. I am an idiot, I TAPED the blizzard last night. . .to send to my brother in Florida, you know to get him jealous of the winter wonderland. . . NOT!!!
So, the kids are so squirrely, have not had much time outdoors for a very long time, rain, cold, rain cold. . .

I will add some pictures just for fun. . .kids are fighting, I baked a cake, and have a wonderful menu of fish and mashed potatoes planned for supper. . .yum!

Monday, January 28, 2008

JustSayHi - Science Quiz

Ohhhhhhh, wowza!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Stuck in my head!!!!

took my love and I took it down
Climbed a mountain and turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills'til the landslide brought it down
Oh, mirror in the sky -What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin'...ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life?I don't know.....I don't know
Well I've been afraid of changin'because I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder, even children get olderAnd I'm getting older too....
So, take my love...take it down
Climb a mountain and turn aroundand if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills...well the landslide will bring it down
The landslide will bring it down

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Humbled by simplicity

Turning 6 is sooo cool!

Me: there was no mail yesterday, it was a holiday
Cocoa: what holiday?

Me: MLKJr b-day
Cocoa: oh, I know HIM.
Me: really? who was he?
Cocoa: he was the person who wanted everyone to be friends with everybody just because it is the nice thing to do

Ahh, she is wise beyond many. . .

Divine RainM

So- the question has been posed sometimes well meaning, if not all together politically correct, what will I be DOING about Precious and well, G-d?

For those in the loop- you may or may not know that I am Jewish, ritualist, if not altogether devout. I do keep Kosher, I do keep Shabbat, I do the rituals. . . however, when you start to try to pin me down in theology. . .well, hmmmm, it gets weird.

I have given my children the opportunity, at age 13, Bar Mitzvah age, as dictated, the option of discontinuing their religious observance and explore their dad's religion, well, their dad's former religion, an agnostic Catholic (he is really an atheist, but fancies himself a religious "thinker")

Little know fact, Jewish children are suppose to make that choice, with the understanding that while they will remain racially Jews, they may decide to opt out of the whole Jewish religion thing. Silly to think that a 13 year old boy would do so. . .but it DOES happen rarely.

When my boys decided to continue, the task then became how to allow them to form their own religious identities? Take them to Shul? Many Shuls? Orthodox? Conservative? Reform? The decision I made was to provide them with as much information about the religion, and share my personal beliefs . . .if they asked. I KNOW, revolutionary! What can I say? I have to say, it has worked out WONDERFULLY, they have been able to fashion a unique way of viewing things and I have learned tons about them as people in the process.

BUT- a few recent events have challenged this way of life I have been so smug about- a dear dear person passed away at a very young age this past year, and she was the mommy of 2 of my children's friends. Now they have had SCORES of conversations about long dead relatives, and the distance between them is always huge- so they began to believe that only certain people actually 'died" old grandmas and grandpas old people, like 40 year olds died, not "young" mommies and daddies. . .until last year.

Now, Cocoa is ESPECIALLY anxious about death and such, and Muffin, the 14 year old was WAY BUMMED when he found out that Judaism has no concept of a heaven or hell- everything points to this 3rd rock being the end all be all of eternal reward for the Jew btw, but I digress.

So, for the VERY first time, I envy those religious people that are SO CERTAIN about HOW IT IS that they can try to force/convert others to their way of thinking. At the very least, I could offer some comfort to my kids, and if it turns out I was WRONG, well, we just all go to hell. . .sigh.
Ok, here is the issue, I am wondering how to handle religion and Precious. He has real cognitive issues, and I could teach him to pray the "right" way, teach him all of the rituals and he could spend his life going through the motions, but would he be "Jewish" or would he be acting it out?

He was brised and so far that is it, so the question becomes, what do you do with an autistic Jewish child? If one more person tells me to "have faith" I will be most uncharitable in my response!

We, as a society, spend SOOOOOOO much time struggling with the idea of G-d and divinity, and there is a segment of the population that is convinced that their religion is "it" and factions that feel that religion is not of any importance because there is no G-d. . .so this is nothing new, really, I understand that, but when you are struggling to understand life and trying to get your kids some foundation to build their own lives on, this is one big deal!

Why is it "kind of" ok to allow my OTHER children the opportunity, nay the freedom, to choose, but I must, for Precious's OWN GOOD, make this life decision for him? Because he is autistic? He has no more freedom then, less freedom, as much freedom as I am willing to give him. . .hmmm

Ohhhhhhh, time for hot chocolate school's out!

M out

Monday, January 21, 2008

More happy holiday fun!

The Dudes!
Butter the MAN
Three Fellows
Too Much "Flight of the Chonchords" Old Bean!

Yep, there they are. . .well some of them:)

Not as planned

Her Momma's girl- Cocoa drinking chi chi cocoa

Precious opens a gift. . .
KIA shares a birthday with Voldemort- and turns 18!

how I imagined today-

Packers win still warming my heart
Loads of happy fun in Chi town with my daughter and Amber to relate
A fresh new semester to diminish the intense pain of this last one. . .foolish foolish girl am I
Packers lost at home
My daughter and I in the car, her in her brand new dry clean only dress about to enter I 43- and she yammies all over the back seat and that dress! Sub zero temps did not aid the clean up much. . .sad but true
NancMat saga continues, we shall see what happens! More later, my daughter is home today, so am I another missed day of adjuncting, wouldn't that just be great if I lost THAT as well as everything else. . .NOT!

While there are upsides- yes, I am home with sick baby, and I am able to use the "found" time to update. . .I am starting the semester already behind. Fin Aid was late, so no books yet. . .class with a despised professor AGAIN this semester. . .am I really doing myself and my kids ANY good doing this?

Then, I remember the old days, the isolation, the complete lack of any kind of adult conversation, the lonliness that goes with having zero family left to see. . .and I know that even if it is hard, and even if I have to take stas over, it is still worth it.

A fews pictures from the holidays