Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Scarlet Letter A. . .21rst century style

Nothing will mark a fallen woman faster in this election than the new version of the Scarlet letter A. . .for ambition. of course. Especially if you are a parent. . .of a special needs child. . .and it would appear that the body politic that is handing them out to women like Sarah Palin are the LEAST likely of usual suspects. . .the women themselves. . .love it when we are our own worse enemy.

Oh, Dowd, O'Brien, Couric, women who, in some cases have had to put up with this EXACT same treatment in their own lives (take a bow Katie, how are those ratings going. . .?)

Couric's husband dies, leaving her with 2 young children. . .did she curl up and wait to join him, or did she continue her job, and even if this CBS thing crashes even further, she STILL did what she did with small kids who were mourning their dad. . .

Is this horrific treatment of Palin and her family because Palin is on the wrong side of the political fence? Really, is that IT? The reason the KosmoNUTS on Dailykos can make the most horrible of accusations and attacks their minds can think up, and Camp Changeling is all quiet? No hand across the aisle for the sake of common decency and manners? How about age of consent? That baby will be 6 months old soon, can't we have a cease fire on the whole "she's really his grandma" smears until he has been around a half a year? Please, Camp Change? No MORE eBAY ads calling him a prop, while ignoring the TOTALLY staged "adorable" hi daddy moment DNC style. . .

As I prepare for the final few tasks to graduate with my doctoral degree, I am reminded every time I am on campus as to how my work is viewed by others. . .comments like "well, if YOU can do it, I know I can" Really? How do you know that? Ohh, because I am a mom AND I go to school, so if someone with my liabilities can make it work, YOU can. . .riiiiiiiight. Cause having kids makes all this shit EASIER to read and write about, and wow that whole research process is a BREEZE, as long as you have that special needs kid, like Lucky Charms . . . . Inspiring view of my life's work, huh? But hey, my kids are REALLLLLY cute, especially the princess, she'll make some guy really happy some day. . .grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

The A for ambitious women who continue to make history by not behaving remains, scarlet as ever, and a pox on women who are so ensnared by their own mystification that they take up the very weapons used against them to throw as the party dictates. . .cause its for the kids, you know.


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