Sunday, September 28, 2008

No shit, for REAL

This could pretty much be my life now. . .rules are made to be broken, unless you are some sort of mother type. . .
I will explain;
Evenings under the umbrella have been. . .strained. . .umm, yeah, let's go with that. . .strained. . .shredded. . .complete hell on crack. . .
My assignment this semester has been hell on crack- and I am just hanging on, add on NO assistance of ANY KIND in the evenings. . .and well, it is me, and 3 end of the day strung out on exhaustion kids. . .one of them VERY whiny (guess who? Give you a hint. . .rhymes with Nocoa), one of them VERY needy (Rhymes with Mutter) and one of them. . .oh hell, Precious is going through his "back to school meltdown a day" cycle. . .so yeah, nights have been the WORST.
Friday late afternoon- school book fair, and I have 3 kids, end of the week crazy tired. . .well, let your imagination wander, it was bad. . .get home and Precious mounts a protest as only he can. . .a "stay up in". . .hell NO I won't GO . . .to bed. . . and he did not, not until 1am. . .or so. . .and yes, I was right there in it, up for almost 24 glorious motherhood hours. . .and up at 6 with the other. . .after going to bed myself at. . .wait for it. . .3am.
Have you ever tried to relate this crap to someone who, even though is a parent, sees this as the way "motherhood is"? That is just what happens to mothers. . .right? So, what happens when mothers have to explain to. . .oh, BOSSES. . .that well, you know how motherhood is. . .and if you are female and not a mother. . .this is how people look at how you might turn out. . .even if you have no plans to become a mother. . .you MIGHT. . .and, well, you know how THEY are. . .always with their excuses about "kids". . .sheesh. . .
But this can and does happen, too often I am faced with the very REAL consequences of rule breaking, and I guess at this stage of the game, I thought I would be used to it. . .but DAMMIT, why do I have to do this choosing thing so often?
Why is it a "do well at work OR do well at parenting" situation? Why can't I do both? The world may never know. . .but hey,. at least my role exit from the "party" seems not so bad now. . .I would rather wade through the most vile UNSUPPORTED smears about Palin and Obama for days than go through another night like that. . .ohh, my bad. . .did I just say that I found that particular motherhood experience wanting. . .???? Oh dear, let me clarify that. . . .nah, fuck it, it did suck, and there is no way I can spin it. . .bad bad Rainmom. . .sheesh!

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