Thursday, September 11, 2008

Case in point. . .

IEPs are supposed to be a tool, a guide for those charged with the awesome task of teaching the special needs child - and for as long as I have been attending these 3 hour meetings. . .those in the room NEVER are the same people who end up working with Precious. . .and this year is no different.

Precious has a new/old thing- he kisses people. We tell him no, and he stops. If you make it a joke or you are cutsie poo, he will keep doing it, which I explained at the IEP in May- well his new teacher is on leave- so a teacher that retired. . .7. . .YEARS . . .ago is his long term sub. . .until the end of NOVEMBER. . .and here is the note I get yesterday

"we are working on Precious not kissing people. Would you please send a laminated picture of you and his dad, so he can kiss that during the day? Thanks SO much"

WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??? Do other children carry laminated pictures of their parents around to kiss? No? Then why the hell would you have mine do it? Oh, the autism thing, ahh, another clueless wonderidiot. . .see dear, WE, those of us who were at the IEP in May know that this is not how you handle it- he is not some special case, he is an 8 year old who is playing around with you because he is smart enough to know that you are clueless and underestimating him. . . .which is when he has the most fun, when people are treating him as if ANY minute he will be the drooling head slapping 100 dollar spouting stereotype. . .RAINMANCHILD. . .

It is my job as Rainmom to clue you in. . .he is not stupid, he understands the word no, and you have to tell him that in order to get him to stop doing things. . .kind of like OTHER kids without autism. . .capice??

He did not get a picture, and continues to kiss his parents. . .in person:)

Apparently you really cannot fix stupid. . .

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