Wednesday, September 10, 2008

People should not be afraid of their political parties

Political parties should be afraid of their people. . .not QUITE the V quote, but it pretty much sums it up for me- why should I have ANY reservations about stating why my party let me down? And here is the really funny part- it is NOT about Hillary!

She has always been suspect as far as a role model/trend setter. . .her time as the wife of a disgraced lout of a man was just enough to remove any last shred of pity I had for her- for those of you too young to remember here is what I saw-

When asked questions QUITE similar to the whole "can a mom be VP" she shot back with a comment about whether or not she should have been home making cookies instead of practicing law

When the disclosures about her husband were coming fast and furious, it was not HIS fault. . .it was the Vast right wing conspiracy. . .

AND if the charges about Monica were true, she stated she would not be Tammy Wynette and stand by her man. . .which, of course, she did end up doing. . .

Why? Because she loved him? Maybe. But REMEMBER I am a cynic. . .SO I suspect that she stayed to shore up her chances at the Senate and the White House. . .because, well, YOU know a single mom LAWYER would not stand a chance at office. . . without the backing of someone male and well connected and well liked. . .

See, Cynic! If the shining light of the Dem PARTY doesn't believe that she can go it without her husband's help, no matter how disgraceful and impeached. . .what does that SAY about this party?

Do I see McCain's choice as an attempt to get my vote? Maybe, and it is a DAMN good start, because I connect with her in so many ways. . .right down to the attacks on my child that I have to deal with more often than not. . .the juggling, the questions, the lower expectations, or the statements about making sure I know what I am getting into. . .these questions have not beeen a part of the MALE experience at all, and well, until they are, how can ANYONE ask them of her?

Now some idiot is stating that in spite of her election to office, and the things she has done, and the fact that she is qualified for so many things- the REAL reason she was selected was. . .wait for it. . .because she did not have an abortion! A woman said this, in public and on purpose, no "is this thing on" for REAL!

Keep digging you clueless jerks!

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