Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bad memory- woman in black shirt running away after trying to hit me

Happy memory- I saw people who were running for office. . .in person
Ok- I will explain the situation with the sign assault. I was dressed in my Mythbuster Tee shirt, and jeans- no McCain ANYTHING on me. See I was going for the "undecided" look- you know, the coveted swing vote. . .apparently the "swing" from my Obama "friend" took a literal turn. . .with Change I can Believe in. . .leveled at my head. . .
So- I saw the Changeling in front of a woman in a wheel chair. Unlike me, the woman in the wheelchair was totaly decked out McCain/Palin. . .and this Obama "supporter" was blocking her way on the ramp. . .and in her face. Which pissed me off- so I told her it was a public street and she needed to step away from the woman and let her pass. . .that is when she swung the sign at me. . .
and yes, she lived to tell the tale. . .but I got it on video, and called the cops. . .
can you imagine if anyone who supported McCain did that to a wheelchair bound Obama supporter? But for some reason, respect for the rights of those supporting McCain and treating them with dignity and respect and such. . .for this crowd. . .too much. . . weird, that is SO not the change I want. . .

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