Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dear Elizabeth

I stand by my post about Jesus- his followers DID kill in his name for centuries. . .and if that is not destroying communities, I do not know what is. . .

But Jesus did not do anything? Really? He should not be held accountable for the actions of his minions? Who should?!

Surely you are not suggesting that people be held accountable. . .that would bring you dangerously close to. . .my side.

Jesus was not a community builder, he died a Jew, having never "practiced" the religion founded in his name (a Jewish guy named Saul. . .you know him as Paul did that. . .road to Damascus. . .)

So, in the future- post these wonderful little rants with my own rants. . .attacking me via e mail is ok, but I will not post it here. . .out of respect for your privacy. Wish Sarah Palin had been accorded the same respect by the "intolerant tolerant" on the left.


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