Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sins of the Mother. . .and other tales of woe. . .

Rant on

This debate about this VP pick of McCain's is just so interesting. . .and cathartic. . .for a number of reasons.

First, Mainstream media- gotta love it. Spends a lot of time and energy attacking Palin and her family, right on down to little Trig. . .and this is what you get;

Sheltered??? OMG- the clueless strike again. . .

While it seems so long ago- and for you youngsters it was, 23 years, this current debate brings it back like yesterday. . .I found out I was having my first child fall 1985, I was 15.

The most cruel irony is despite what everyone thought of me, this was not me acting like a slut- it was me, in a dangerous situation, with no information, and by the time all was said and done, I lost my virginity AND my immediate future all at once.

I never thought about having it "taken care of" I do not, nor have I ever thought that way. Actions have consequences, no matter how they occur. Funny, this SAME sense of responsibility is an ASSET in some spheres. . .but I digress.

So, got kicked out, you know, cause I was a slut, had the baby, went on AFDC, went to night school and got my diploma. . .not a GED. Went to tech college, became a nurse, passed the licence exam, got a job. I got married, had more kids, and eventually made it back to college, and well, the rest as they say is history.

Why the info? Because I made a choice, and apparently, the pro choice people I have been talking to feel that the only REAL choice is to have an abortion, like a litmus test, or jump in ceremony. . .if I were a REAL woman, I would have made the "right" choice. . .which I am now finding out does exist in the minds of some women. Almost this sense of "well, abortion IS legal, why on earth did you not have one?" (that was actually said to me recently)

I am not sure why, but those that I have been reading about and speaking with in person seem to think that if enough people choose to have their kids. . .even with all of this support to have the abortions, then abortion is just another choice, not THE choice? Isn't that always what it has been? Why am I any less a woman, feminist, or person because I could not have one, even when I had the right to, and even if I had all of these people willing to support that choice?

I thought that by making the choice I did, even with all that came with it, I was standing up for what I believed in, that I was not going to be someone who said one thing and did another. . .I thought that the whole point of Roe v was to give woman a choice, not de facto laws of the mind that say otherwise. . .

And to question the parenting of Palin because her daughter got pregnant? Wow, times have changed! I was the slutty whore, and my poor parents were pitied among their group. . .now we can blame the parent if the teen mom keeps her kid. . .full circle. . .sheesh.

Rant off:)

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