Wednesday, April 7, 2010

On time

Some curveballs under the umbrella- like I am not sure how I am going to pay for school after the fall, as I was unable to get funding from school. I understand why, but that doesn't change the effect. That, along with the increased barrage of threats and demands from the past life makes it hard to see a way from here.
Nothing is certain, of course, but there was so much to be hopeful about, and after all I have been able to get through, finish, conquer and endure, it never occured to me that I would be where I am right now, and feel the way I do right now. . .
Until I graduate and get to this place called accredited academic, so much of the past life rules the present. As long as I could be assured of having school, I could continue to endure the present, and focus on the future, to have to move school into the realm of "someday" and accept that past life will continue to rule, deny, injure and defeat the present and obscure the future?

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