Monday, October 6, 2008

Why I am taken with McCain/Palin. . .really

Well, first, I guess because I have been saying since 2007 that it would be interesting to see who the Democrats would "hate" once Bush could no longer run. . .I see they have an answer for me. . .the Viet Nam vet and the hockey mom with the Down Syndrome kid. . .oh and the teen mom.

But really, the treatment of Palin's status as mom of a special needs kid and the dismissal of McCain's war record continues the pattern I have seen in my once beloved party for awhile.

Do not get me wrong, I was not any fan of the GOP choices. . .but the reasons as to why I should not be anything BUT a supporter of the Obama was what really drove me away. It was when I started to see the full on attacks on Palin's family, the Kos and the Huff post people and their horrible mass emails forwarded to go viral. . .whether they were true or not.

But this is really the reason- the Special needs issue and the fact that I really believe that as long as having anything wrong with your family means you will never be truly accepted into many social circles then all we do now is a joke. As long as we see families with special needs kids as set apart and unable to participate in many areas because of their kids. . .they will not be accepted into the social arena as a whole. My son rarely has play dates, has only been invited to 1 birthday party, and he is 8 years old. Other kids are just not thinking of including Precious. . .because, you know, the autism.

I have come to realize in the past few weeks, that I have actually ENJOYED shattering the low expectations set for me, I have LOVED the fact that the people at my adjunct job consider me a bored housewife. . .until I showed them my entry in the ASA program. . .along with my entry for a history journal about women's hospitals. . .bored housewife my ASS!!!

But those same feelings do not filter down to my son. He has to work very hard to get through a day. . .and the expectations are also very low for him. . .so much so, that they were actually praising him for "finding his name" which he has been doing since he was 4 years old. . .I mean come ON, push him a bit harder. . .please. But as long as we are assuming that tolerance is bliss. . .he will be tolerated in his autistic state. . .as all kids should be, just do not INCLUDE him in anything.

I like that Palin has accepted Trig as just part of her family. . .I tire of the "coping" story lines and the 'triumph over all odds" while at the same time measuring my success as a parent by how close I get to the Hollywood Rudy ending. . .cause if I am a GOOD Rainmom, my son will overcome all odds and. . .well, you know the rest, right?

I would love to add to the narrative about special needs families. . .and I would love to have a mom who is dealing with such a status to be front and center in a highly visible job, and wonder at the ramifications of it all. . .

So, the debates, I watched, and I was glad I did. . .I will watch tomorrow!

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