Thursday, October 2, 2008

Good Luck, Sarah

I know that tonight many people are just waiting, drooling in hopes that by this time tomorrow some footage will be looping on Kos and HuffPo about your mistakes, and I know popcorn and libations will be spilled, and whoops of joy and jeer will sound on college campuses and in homes all over the place if and when those moments come. . .I know, several of them have my email address. Many of them call themselves "scholars" as well. . .

I just wanted to say, that I hope you do yourself proud. I know that this has been horrible,and G-d willing, these horrible attacks will cause attacks of conscience for the people responsible, and that no matter what the election day results are, I hope some of the people will look at their behavior when it came to your children and your status as mother and be ashamed of their actions.

Sarah Bernhart is already pondering her actions- remember when she was joking about Black men gang raping you?

Funnnneeee stuff, but she just was dropped from a luncheon for battered women. . .for women who have really suffered sexual violence, and she, get this, blamed a vast Right wing conspiracy!,2933,431617,00.html

So, it's possible. . .anything's possible. . .

Mazel Tov, Sarah!

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