Monday, October 13, 2008

Spread the wealth. . .

So, Obama finally got around to saying it. . .

In response to a plumber asking if he was going to get taxed even more "punish" him for his success. . . Obama said he was going to tax to give to the "people behind you" because, you know, that is fair, if the poor people are doing well, everyone will be. . .

WHICH would be fine if that is how he is presenting himself. . .as the Socialist he is, Marx's Robin Hood economic policy. . .take from the rich and give to the poor- but WAIT. . .has that been tried before?

Welfare, was that a success? Tax people and give to others, hmmm, sounds familiar. . but this would be a lot different . . . the tax payers would be bank rolling this new world order. . .does Hollywood know? Hold that Brie and Dom. . .and we cannot afford that new. . .house. . .darn, only 15 houses on 4 continents. . .

Do I even need to bring up the wealth vs. income differential? As in how much you make doesn't show your wealth, and if you make a lot, and owe a lot, you are poor?

I am no math person BUT Obama is now all over the place saying that "95% of American families will get a tax cut" BUT now he is saying that he will spread the wealth around. . .where is that going to come from? 5% of Americans minus the 1/3 or so that do not pay taxes?

$#&^ new math, it just doesn't add up. . .

Hmmmmmm, let's go to the video;

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