Yes, I endorse McCain/Palin for office in this election.
In so many ways this was/is not an easy decision for me, since I was raised from the knee to be a blue collar Democrat, no matter what my job looks like now. I have heard over and over again that people like me continue to vote against their "economic interests" in elections, and I never understood that until now.
It may be in my best interests fiscally to vote Obama, something I am SO doubting, but there are so many things more important to me than money, and my morals, beliefs, and standards represent what makes me who I am, not my bank account. Obama loses my vote because our values and democratic identities are direct opposites. I do not want to throw America out with the bathwater, he sees a radical and yes it is a Socialist, change in our economic system, which I do not wish, and which I will not vote for, my family came here to ESCAPE that system under Stalin, when he starved out farmers in the Ukraine, where my family lived, in order to impose collective farming practices, I cannot and will not vote to give the government more power over me by means of the means of production.
I was raised to believe in G-d, working hard, and in treating people as I would want to be treated, I see respect for none of those values from Camp Obama, quite the opposite, "get mine from the 'rich' " is more like it and I cannot think of a more compelling reason to refuse to vote for him, but I have others. I simply cannot vote for him because he is from the "party" and I really cannot fathom union support for this guy, when he is out front to anyone who will listen about how he will make big business pay. . .and pay. . .so then, if big business is paying and paying, what then will they use to pay more in wages and benefits to their workers? What will there be left for union members to benefit from with this plan? My union has already singled me out for asking the questions. . .and being told to just "vote the party" is not enough. How much could the union have helped us workers if they had stopped sending out all the McCain is Satan hate mail to my house every day for the past 3 months? Postage and printing costs alone must have been staggering, and yet. . .do not ask questions, just vote like we tell you to. . .nope, not gonna work with me.
Quite honestly, I am surprised and really disappointed in many of my party, those who refuse to look beyond these "party lines" and examine the choices from fresh perspective. I cannot tell you how many times people have said to me "I could not vote republican, even if it was Jesus" WOW, blind faith indeed. . .go ahead, climb on to the bunk bed in your purple shoes after eating the 'magic pudding' and wait for the Hale/Bopp to come for you. . .I mean the Obamanation. . .
In the past few days, troubling stories that I have been following for almost a year have come to full light, I believe that Obama is a horrible choice for PROUD Zionist Jew like me. . .and while my fellow Jews may want to discount the Khalidi dinner with Obama and Ayers and such, I refuse to. . .and sadly acknowledge the basic truth of the saying "there are none so blind as those who refuse to see" and it will be cold comfort if Obama does win, and all is revealed to be as I fear- I believe he is lying about what we do know, and when we finally get answers about what we do not know i.e. medical records, thesis,ACORN, Ayers, LAT tape, NOI, PLO, Hamas, et. al. if it is as I suspected, being right will be of no comfort.
I am glad I broke through the veil of party stupor and looked at McCain. I will not be ashamed of voting for him, because I feel he will do justice to the Office, and make me proud. I support his years of service, respect his service in the Armed Forces, and as a old school central Democrat, I am proud to be for McCain.
As a woman with a special needs child, Sarah Palin has inspired me, as much as MSM has horrified me. If I wanted to run for office someday, I may now have the courage to face the horrific treatment that could be coming my way, using her class and grace in the face of the cunt tees hurled all over the place. . .and all the other gendered, sexist, mean spirited, and just plain out of line actions by the press heaped on her. I am proud to cast my vote for her, and win or lose, I will never regret my vote, like I do for Clinton. . .
So, bit surprise, I am 4 McCain/Palin!
To vote for Obama means I am supporting people who attack, without mercy or facts, those who disagree with them, calling them cunts, whores, and who crow at the prospect of "turning the tables". . .how is this unity again? Tolerance? I am having none of that whole "Obama is not to blame for his followers" crap. . .is he not the REASON for the attacks? His "people" are the ones smearing and attacking in his name. . .and the silence from the man who wants to be leader of this country is very telling.
After watching the hate and lies spew from supposed "feminists" toward Palin, because she was not the "right" kind of woman, I realized, I am also not the right kind of woman, because I did not chose the "right" option and abort my baby at 15, I had him. To think that I would be attacked for that decision. . .by other women who apparently make different choices and feel they and they alone are correct is mind boggling.
I am glad I am seeing things more clearly now about those around me. I will make sure to remember the way they spread lies and innuendo, attacks and tee shirts in order to attack a person they disagreed with. . .no matter how similar she was in personality and ambition and life experience. I will look carefully at THEIR research, their work, and check it twice, and do my best to keep them honest. . .something that should not be necessary, but sadly, in light of their conduct during this election, is crucial.
L'Chaim and Shalom, may be best ticket win.
1 comment:
For me it all about Israel. While I am no fan of socialism, I could live with it if it was not being thrust upon the nation by stealth and by a man who runs with antisemites.
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