Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh the shoals of my sanity

Hard to believe that the personal has replaced the political as driving me straight off the rails and onto the rocks, but there it is. . .
In a stunning reversal of fortune, it now seems almost certain that I will have the most incredible workload now, as they are letting one of us go and it will be up to the other to "work for two" in preparation for, are you ready, "the Obama presidency" and he laid off the girl most likely to have supported him. . .irony huh?
That's right, the job I have now is teetering at that magic number. . .and in light of the fact the the Legislature is Dem controlled as well. . .my boss feels that with the hits in fuel prices this summer, and supplies and everything. . .he has to let someone go, and since I have been here longer, the OTHER college student will be losing her well paying part time job, and have no additional fin aid to help her. . .and she has had NO LUCK WHATSOEVER in finding another job. . .one place told her that if she did not have a job already, she was in all likelihood, shit out of luck.
So, now I have to do twice the work for the same pay, and hope I can get everything else taken care of. . .but life has a way of making that hard
Precious acting up in school- I go for a sneak visit next week because I am suspecting something is up, and since I have not been there in awhile. . .well, they will be surprised!
Butter is just doing SO freaking well, and I am so proud of his bad self. . .he has made to student council rep for his class and is also on safety patrol. . .which is fun to watch. He is doing so well in algebra. . .in 5th grade. . .having taken geometry last year. . .sheesh. . .%^$ math, he is SO much better at it than me, thought my word problem skills we a source of pride and renown in college. . .I ruled!
Muffin is WORKING as a pinsetter in a club. . .look it up, he is sooooo retro! He is doing ok in school so far, math continues to be a problem. . .but he is doing ok. . .
KIA is about to be kicked out of the house for severe laziness. . .just kidding, but I can see now why he once supported The One. . .until he got his job and saw how much he lost out of each paycheck. . .welcome to the real world!
Cocoa had her last soccer game of the season and she did GREAT. . .considering last week at this time she was having to take her steroids. . .for her asthma. . .but now, she did well, and started Daisy Scouts as well, she looks cute in the smock. . .
Yeah, so once I give up sleeping I will have a schedule I can deal with. . .and of course if Obama is elected, I can get money from all of you to take care of my kids for me. . .right? If you want to start giving early, I can tell you my address. . .:)
Off to face the music. . .

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