Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Obama is no longer 8 years old

"Recent" discussions about Obama and his ties with Weather Underground member Ayers show the delicate but oh so powerful skill of political spinning and slight of hand. . .by team Obama.

Notice; the issue is NOT did Obama plant bombs with Ayers. . .it is What are his adult life ties with Ayers and more importantly for many people in my dad's generation, what are the influences and commonalities in their approach to U.S. government?

Is it a crime to hate America? Nope. Is it a crime to step on the flag and declare in print on 9-11-01 that you wish you could have done more by way of bombing. . .as planes were flying into buildings on the East Coast? Nope. Poor timing and poor judgement. . .the picture of Ayers posted here was taken in Chicago for an article where Ayers wishes he would have done more bombings and protesting. My dad was in Viet Nam at the time of his "activism" so were he alive today? He would be right here with me, I believe that in my heart.
But, hey, it is not even a crime to make the issue one of "he had nothing to do with this radical 60s politics guy" when the issue is SUPPOSED to be "what are you doing with this same unapologetic 60s radical in 2005 and how many times are you going to have to "clarify" relationships with people who represent fanatical beliefs AGAINST the United States?"
Look, go ahead Obama, hate America all you want. . .you, Ayers, Wright, Pfleger, and Bernadine, go right ahead. If THAT it the change you are selling, I am not buying. I have issues with a lot of things in this country- but I would just as soon suffer at the hands of your fanatic followers rather than support you if THIS is the kind of company you keep, and if THESE are the kind of positions you hold. Even if you cannot appreciate the fact that only in America can you act as you do, speak as you do, and hate as you do. . .because of the freedoms that are here. . .I can. My dad did. . .so do a lot of us, and what you mistake as weakness and softness is actually a sense of class and the realization that we, those of us not in Camp Obama, understand that our right to dissent is just as important to us, as your rights to support. . .and that is because we live in America. One thing that divides us though is the subjective interpretation of what it means to be "American" I will close this with something I heard A LOT during Grad school. . ."Dissent is not treason" Obama supporters would do well to remember that, Dissent is also not racism, and my right to dissent is just as strong as yours is to support.
My dad taught me that. Keep spinning Camp Obama. I will be watching your messiah very carefully tonight.

"Our intelligence is imperfect, surely, and newly arisen; the ease with which it can be sweet-talked, overwhelmed, or subverted by other hardwired propensities -- sometimes themselves disguised as the cool light of reason -- is worrisome."Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, 1992

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