Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bias, What bias?

Yeah, I have to go to a blog to find this. . .a NOW rep endorses Palin and calls her a true feminist (not a true democrat, you see) and no one, NO one reports it. . .why is this not news?

Hmmm, maybe because the NOW organization, in the words of the Late great George Carlin is really only concerned with "their own pocketbooks and their reproductive rights" so if THEY can handle the tax increases to pay for the Obamavision and if they can see Palin not as a woman but as the enemy. . .so much the better. . .NOT

While I am sure this was just an "oversight" it still seems kind of strange that someone from a far left org endorsing the Republican candidate would merit at least a mention. . .oh, no wait. . .nevermind, we have the "rednecks for Obama" crowd to report. . .MUCH more interesting and newsworthy!

My bad.

Truth be told I will be glad to get this over with- I am tired of people saying they "hate" McCain because he is GWB, when liberal people like Feingold sing his praises, and work with him. That just because he went to war as an American soldier doesn't mean he really understands how to lead. . .and well, military service is SO 20th century. . .

I am tired of people saying they cannot stand Palin because of the "facts" - and find out their "hate" is based on one of several hundred lies forwarded by so called "scholars" and by the time the rebuttals came out, these lies were viral. No matter how many times the librarian stated that not only did Palin NOT fire her, but she actually supported her. . .people still call her a book burner. The rape kit lies, the special needs education funding lies. . .the fact that even her hacked e mail showed NOTHING . . .still they "hate her"- sigh.

I should be fair- I despise Obama for the following reasons, maybe they are not "the right" reasons but at the VERY least, they are the reasons I have actually spent time researching;

He is not a friend of Israel- his ties to Louis Farrakhan and Hamas through his "spiritual home" have not been addressed to my satisfaction. I believe he has very close associations with antisemites, ones who give OTHER antisemities awards and sing his praises. . .take a bow, Wright and Farrakhan.

He has yet to provide details on his grand plan to take the U.S. back to a better time. . .and with Ayers in his camp, what "time" is he planning to go back to? 1960s? That was a HORRIBLE time for many people, my dad included. . .and my brother is now one of those "pigs" that would have been "offed" by Ayers at that time. . ."kill your parents" and "Charles Manson killed those people and then had food, and stuck one of the dead bodies with a fork" (these are quotes from Ayers and his wife respectively) My G-d!!! Source:

Yeah, I know, "right wing", but as a democrat I was amazed at how little factual information I could find on Left sites- they were usually posting about fake e bay ads for Down Syndrome babies and "evidence" that Palin was actually Trig's Nana. . .I was driven to other sources. . .

Because if any Independent or Republican candidate had any of these issues in their past, there would be no discussion of whether or not he "knew" it would be assumed that he or she did. . .and game over.

That support for him as president has become some sort of litmus test for racial tolerance, and if you are white, and against him, you are, of COURSE, a racist! Granted this is not his fault, but because he will not face the issue. . .he will not lead. . .even people who are already supporting him warning bells

I cannot wait for November 5th

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