Wednesday, March 31, 2010

On moving forward

My place on the lake

A certain someone has spent the last several months telling me something over and over and over again about moving on from here. . .in a nut shell it is this mantra-
When you are ready to go forward, you will know it, but you won't move forward until you stop letting the past get in the way. . .there is a reason why things happen, and why people leave your life, what you have to decide is to live for a life not yet realized, or you will be chained to a life you don't want to live anymore.
Yesterday was that moment- when I finally realized this was going to happen, this life I have in mind is not only possible, but by my actions I can make it certain. Amazing the healing sustaining power of grad school, amazing advisors past and present, amazing friends and special someone and the ever wonderful presence of amazing tiny humans who fill my eyes with wonder, my heart with hope, my soul with life and love, and my days with awesome wonderfulness.
From here we go- I will get this finished up, and how about this- we go national in our search for a place for the umbrella? Precious, Cocoa, Butter- it will just be you three- and me. . .let's talk about possibilities!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I love this post!! Congrats on the defense...though I will cry if you move away waaaaa!!!