Friday, February 29, 2008

Opportunity Knocks me on my ass

So, I got the internship in NYC- oh what a great opportunity, but I am not sure I can take it. Follow me on this-

I start prelim this fall- I would have to be there for at least 2 months this summer, but would actually love to stay the year. How would I do that? Good question!!

I keep going back and forth, but the reality is I will have to do some serious damage tot he homefront to do this. Yet, I do not know how I can just dismiss it. . .so stay tuned!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

His name was Kyle

As the date of his death nears, I cannot help but to think about this child. His name was Kyle, and you can leave virtual flowers on his site at

Here is why I cannot, will not ever forget him-

April 20, 1999, I was expecting Precious- and the fact that Kyle was special needs made his death all the more upsetting to me at the time, but even more so because of Paris's dx. I read everything I could about him, and his family- how they tried so hard to get him accepted, how hard his mom worked to get him dx'ed properly, and yet, those two monsters, without an ounce of humanity, snuffed out his life without a second thought. He was the first one killed in the library, some fell he may have been too scared or confused to hide or run. . .

I learned so much from this child's life, and want that life to be remembered. Why now? Maybe because I worry about his story melding in with all of the others who were killed in places that were supposed to be safe, maybe because this little man was so like my son is now, or maybe because in the scheme of things, one life really does make a difference, even when it is short.

z'l Kyle

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Not enough for this Jew-

Yeah, the debates, so let us just assume, for the time being, that you were/are unaware of the sad and hate filled history of the NOI movement, Nation of Islam, that is, and its leader, Louis Farrakhan.

You never heard of Google? And where is change in this situation? Are you really so naive? If so, you have no business running a car lot, much less the country. If you go to the Anti Defamation League's website,

You can read this;
Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET?... Everything that we built, they have. The mind of Satan now is running the record industry, movie industry and television. And they make us look like we're the murders; we look like we're the gangsters, but we're punk stuff."
"Justifiable Homicide: Black Youth in Peril (Part 3)" speech at Mosque Maryam, 11/11/07

or this

As I said over 20 years ago, there will be no peace for Israel, because there can be no peace as long as that peace is based on lying, stealing, murder, and using God's name to shield a wicked, unjust practice that is not in harmony with the Will of God."
"Year-end Interview" with the Final Call, January 6, 2008

This is who you want to endorse you? If not, why are you so silent?
Where is the grand speech about change, and how he represents old hatred?

Waiting. . . .
Oh, what FRESH hell is this???? MSNBC reports-

Obama has been conducting a behind-the scenes offensive against Farrakhan and his endorsement. Obama met privately over the weekend in Toldeo, Ohio, with Jewish leaders, whom he sought to reassure over his support for Israel, NBC’s Aswini Anburajan reported Tuesday night.

What the Hell? Why are you dling this in secret? So your antisemite supporters will not know? So the Jews will be duped into believing that you support Israel?

You are anti CHANGE- holding closed door meetings about this kind of thing. . .

Here is the exchange from the NYT
The question stemmed from Obama's initial answer when NBC's Tim Russert asked, 'Do you accept the support of Louis Farrakhan?' Obama might have said, 'No.' But instead, he seemed to go out of his way to denounce some of Farrakhan's statements while not taking on Farrakhan himself (and even using Farrakhan's preferred honorific in the process). 'You know, I have been very clear in my denunciation of Minister Farrakhan's anti-Semitic comments,' Obama said. 'I think that they are unacceptable and reprehensible. I did not solicit this support. He expressed pride in an African-American who seems to be bringing the country together. I obviously can't censor him, but it is not support that I sought. And we're not doing anything, I assure you, formally or informally, with Minister Farrakhan.'
…After his answer, Russert asked again, just as directly, 'Do you reject his support?' Obama might have answered, 'Yes,' but instead tried his best to stay away from anything so definitive. 'Well, Tim, you know, I can't say to somebody that he can't say that he thinks I'm a good guy. You know, I — you know, I — I have been very clear in my denunciations of him and his past statements, and I think that indicates to the American people what my stance is on those comments.'
… Russert pressed a bit more, bringing up Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama's long-time pastor, whose magazine last year said that Farrakhan 'truly epitomized greatness.'.. 'Tim, I have to say I don't see a difference between denouncing and rejecting,' Obama said. 'If the word "reject" Sen. Clinton feels is stronger than the word "denounce," then I'm happy to concede the point, and I would reject and denounce.'
Is this a joke?? You have to ask why this is not enough?
For a man so good at whipping up a speech, he appears. . .struck dumb when faced with the conflict between support and morals. .

NOT a good sign!

Currently listening : Dark Passion Play By Nightwish Release date: 02 October, 2007

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Apolitical post for once

Damn cannot get over how quickly this election is driving me nuts- but no more about that! My BABY IS ROCKING ALL DAY SCHOOL!!!!!!! VICTORY SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH!

Precious started all day school yesterday, and from all accounts did a great job with it. . .well, he was dog tired when he got home, but overall, he did very well, danced his autistic ass off in gym, did "art" stuff( a complete aside, the "art" teacher is a total ass, who grades 5 year olds on "form" as in "lacks form in his work" duuuuuuuuuh, he's 5!!!)

He got there and back without problem, and while I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. . .I am most happy with the transistion so far- I kicked some major work getting done butt, and even had LUNCH! Wow, a totally accomplished task! And I was a ble to work out 2 days already this week. . .will wonders NEVER cease!!

So, keep your fingers crossed. . .I am hoping this will be the norm, not the calm before the storm. . .!

Wonderful Wizard, if ever a Wiz there was

Hello, me again. . .no not your conscience, but a potential supporter. . .yep, I am still undecided, but thanks to the continued de-emphasis of any substance to your "Change Platform". . .I am, to borrow a phrase (which I assume you are aware of the need to CITE when you do this in, oh idk, SPEECHES), from one of my friend's replies, underwhelmed. . .it is going to harder and harder to cheer for the same speeches, change change change, without any rally of how how how we are going to get there!

Do you honestly think that you can ride this wave to the office? Change with no plan? I, for one, will not ignore the man behind the curtain of change!
Harsh? You bet, just as harsh as the rhetoric of harsh surrounding the current administration! Demanding? You FUCKING better believe it!
Why? Well, because I know what is at stake, my sons remind me every day. . .they believe in you, and you are setting them up for INSTANT disillusionment with this pie in the sky, but none on your plate froth and dither stance. They will disengage, and the system will continue, business as usual. . .right?
Are you sure you actually want this office? With many like me who will CONTINUE to question you and your "people" who are verifiably not "sad attempts from the "right"?
Step out from behind the Change curtain and gimme some idea of where the FUCK you will find the means for "change"- something, anything- and leave my blue collar father/homemaking mother out of it!!!!!

Same time tomorrow?? Yep!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Obama Smack down!!!!!

Obama's people and the SMACK down
Hey yeah!

Sent the post about the unanswered questions from the Obama camp- you know, how he has no real plans for the things he speaks about so often, you know CHANGE- here is the reply from "HQ"

Thanks for getting in touch Michele,
Another sad attempt from the right. In addition..... it's Anthropology 101, we're talking about more than one culture.
Obama HQ
To which I replied-
Niiiiice try, but SOCIOLOGY which I teach for a living, is charged with the social aspect of culture-
Sounds like business as usual- your comment will be posted for my students to see- thanks for your reply:)
Have a WONDERFUL day, oh, and you were wrong about my political affiliation as well. . . 0 for 2.

Yep- his people are now answering questions with personal attacks. . .politics as usual, quick, someone tell the Change guy that his people are lagging behind!!!

Totally expecting to be blocked by "his people" any DAY now. . .hour. . . minute. . .second. . .tick tock

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rainmom NERVOUS!

Precious will start all day school tomorrow. . .ekkkkkk



Butter has talked of nothing else since oh, about October, wanting to be selected as the "Student of the month" which means free stuff, a spectacular certificate, and many wonderful moments spent gazing at his picture on the Display board outside the office.

He is SOOOOOOO excited and we are all very proud. . .WAY to GO, BUTTER!!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Top10 reasons that Autism can really suck!

Ok- so it seems that "birthday party season" has arrived in my son's school- he is aware that parties are going on, and that he is not going to them;

So, my friends, another list

10 Autism really sucks when you cannot go to parties because you are not invited ( "we were not sure if he could/should/would come") Try INVITING him! We will let you know!

9. The most mundane of tasks become "awesome" as in "you walked to your desk! Awesome!" or the ever popular "you made it to school today. . .AWESOME" and, of course, my PERSONAL favorite the "Wow, you have your shoes tied/pants buttoned/shirt on right" Puleeeeeeze!

8. The way people will stop when they hear the word "autism" and assume they know what it means! "Oh, how is he doing, now that "The People's Court" is no longer with Wapner? Does he still only shop at Kmart?" Grrrrrrr

7. Autism sucks when stars give interviews and sound like total jerks. . .Jenny,Oh JENNY?!

6. Autism sucks when people will not give you a chance

5. Autism sucks when people see it instead of you- and you are damaged

4. Autism sucks when people are "amazed" that you "were BRAVE enough to have a child AFTER an autistic one" yeah, you know you were taking SUCH a risk!

3. Autism SUCKS when people tell you how much they ADMIRE you, like you would a hero- all parents are worth admiration when you think about it. . .

2. Autism sucks when you cannot be included because of it

The number 1 reason autism sucks? Because it hides your real self fromthe world.. .

^%% Snow

I do not know how much more this can SUCK!! What a trek to work today- cars in ditches and all over the road. . my mantra? "I'm gonna die, I am gonna FUCKING die!" So far, it has had the opposite effect. . .
So, showed the video in class- way emotional and hopefully the discussion on deviance will be helped, one of my students had a friend on campus at the time of the shooting. . .so scary!
Kids are soooo anxious to play, but ice and crapness making that impossible! The snow is hard, almost lethal, but that silly muttface dog of mine goes hopping in it at regular intervals. . .such a dog/bunny! She does that nose poking thing too, comes in with her nose all snowy like she ate a donut. . .silly pups!
So,the latest from the Obama Tour- Groupies!

>>Citing her husband's ability to address the challenges facing low-income and middle-class families, Michelle Obama rallied a crowd of several hundred at the Pabst Theater today."There is more that unites us than divides us," Obama said near the start of her talk, which began at noon. "But when you're struggling every day, it's easy to be cynical. It's easy to believe that nothing can change."Obama spoke for nearly an hour without notes and elicited standing ovations with mention of her husband's opposition to the war in Iraq and her own opinions on education."When people look at me, I want them to see what an investment in public education could look like," she said, referencing her own education in Chicago Public Schools.Obama discussed her childhood on Chicago's south side, where she said her father's salary as a city worker supported a family of four and sent both her and her brother to Princeton University."There's nothing miraculous about my upbringing," said Obama, a graduate of Harvard Law School. "The only thing that sets us apart from failure is a little bit of hope and hard work."Arlisia McHenry of Milwaukee admitted tearing up during Obama's speech."You want that dream for your own children," McHenry said. "It's a new hope, a new energy that we've yet to see in politics."<<

Yep, you sure do,and sadly,you are goingto settle for "close" or "lesser of the evils"


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tikkun Olam

What if we held an election and "none of the above" won?

So, the democrats were here last night, and Obama stated that Washington is "where good ideas go to die". . .I would add that good intentions go there too. . .and this further supports my position that he will be the most abysmal disappointment- and well, since I am already making predictions, I foresee that the antil war people will be the most profoundly disappointed and the ones disappoint first- here's why;

Sociology 101- the differences between modern (US) cultures and traditional(Iraqi) cultures when it comes to social change- the amount of time required for change. We think that 5 years is "a long time" and that the change should have happened already, but none of my Intro students can pass my class without hearing that the change we are asking from the people in Iraqi culture is HUGE, and that the barriers to that change are entrenched in norms, tradition and the long standing coherent body of knowledge they build their realities on for everyday life. Here is another thing- how will it improve the "standing" of the US if we pull out the troops and leave the Iraqi people to their own (explosive) devices? Those that believed enough to ink ther fingers purple and vote for the most dangerous of social change, akin to those who rode buses into hostile populations to free the vote? Should the US, in true selfish self intersted form, abandon those who stood for "change"?
I have 2 draft age sons- I know what is at risk, but I also know that leaving this situation for the sake of "ending the war" deliberatly ignores the people who are there working for change. There have been 4 bombings this week, hundreds killed, with US troops, what will the carnage be like if troops are pulled by 2009? Will that make us better people in a better country? To leave this situation because we 'changed our mindset" (another Obama mainstay) and to what end? How on earth will this make us better?

So- healthcare, he continues to say he will provide it for all, and cut taxes AND raise the minimum wage, AND close tax loopholes for businesses. . .hmmmm, I am no financial scholar, but last I heard, all of those things will cost money. . .where will it come from?

So, many of you have responded with the " of course they are going to lie, they are politicians, what did you expect" which leads to the question of the day- are we EVER going to say "look, cut the bullshit, tell us the TRUTH, we CAN handle it" Are we truly tied to this horrible pattern of "perfect until proven flawed in office" mentality? Are we, as a country EVER going to be ready for a politician that will/could say "look, I smoked pot when I was in college, I am gay, I am bi, I'm asexual, I was a homemaker, I never had kids, I know I am going to make mistakes, and I am probably not going to be able to fill an iota of these grand ideas, and many of my ideas will not work because of the way we run our system, but I promise you that I will always have your best interests at heart, and I will make the tradeoffs favor you all as much as possible"

Obama is already accepting free tickets for his kids and meals and tables at the chi chi trend factories. . .sounds like is his well into the socialization process- membership in Washington HAS its advantages. . .

"none of the above"/"these choices all SUCK" for President 2008- ;)

Slogan "Telling it like it is, for, of and by the people no more"

Friday, February 15, 2008

Snow thoughts

So, more storm, more snow, and I find myself able to think for the first time in a long time, and wow, I am so glad I cannot do this all the time- let me explain;

So, I believe that Obama has the potential to be one of the most soul crushing historic disappointments in the realm of voter expectations. Here is my reasoning, and well, see what you think

We are hip deep in the American Idol phase of the election process-Primaries, where we are sitting with our signs, waving them and screaming at the mere mention of the cherished name. . .and we are basically seeing the rise of the hip/young/cool/trendy/charismatic norm breecher wannabe Idol, who IS the CHANGE I WANT. . .whatever that means. We have the faceplate, but we have no idea what is underneath. Do not get me wrong, I am a not giving Hil a nod here, I personally believe her to have no base, center of her own, she is is whoever she needs to be in the moment, and who she REALLY is. . .???

But I digress- this will not be about whether or not Obama means what he says and says what he means, it will be about his understanding of his limitations in the govenment we have. If he is going to try to do 1/2 of what he claims, there are serious challanges to address-the speeches about "understanding" who "we" are is already seperating us into the "masses" catagory, instead of emphasis on solidarity, which concerns me greatly. If he fancies himself outside trying to see our world, what will he really see if he never meets anyone? My dinner invitation notwithstanding. When his wife came here, they picked 5 supporters, met in a microbrewery during office hours, on a pnone call notice, and she was in and out of town in 45 minutes, limo, door, limo gone. . .met with the little people who love my husband. . .check. Huh? I know of very few people who are the "hardworking middle class" that he is always talking about who could ever pull off such a thing. . .oh, yeah, and the meeting itself was "invitation only, undisclosed location"- hmmmm, closed door meetings already (jk)

Next problem- say the American Idol wins, what then? As 1/3 of the body, what on earth can he do to "change" the current system as he claims he will? How will he get healthcare changed, the war ended, the economy going, the middle class tax cuts? It is not that I do not consider him insincere, he is showing an alarming cluelessness about the very nature of what he is selling- how can you cut taxes AND fund a healthcare system, stimulate the economy AND basically end the healthcare system as it is currently run, and curtail or end health insurance business in favor of . . .something else? Where are you going to get money for this if you cut taxes? I am not a scholar of economics, but even I know that Americans may believe they deserve Sweden's system of healthcare, but the majority of them will be shocked at the costs, and may not be willing to pay what the Swedes do in taxes. . .

So here is the capper- what happens to these young idealistic voters for Obama when he is unable to bring the Change THEY WANT? I wonder if they will end up like I did, with my very first presidential election- and my canidate won, but was a HUGE disappointment! Are these new people going to shrug their shoulders and say 'well, he did his best" or will they turn on the person and not the limitations placed, on purpose, on this office? Do we want any sort of carte blanc option for ANY branch? The shrill voices of the past 7+ years seem to indicate that we may be unwilling to upset the balance of power. . . so what then?

Do we deserve this though, we, who are so willing to ignore, let alone question, the man behind the curtain of fancy eloquent words, preferring our photo op with the Wizard? Is this all we will get, style over substance, because we value youth and inexperience, over wisdom and age, inspiration of solutions because solutions would require too much from up? So we can build in a bit of an out. . .well, we were "lied to" when in reality we just chose. . .poorly? Hmmmmm

Thursday, February 14, 2008

While I am at it


Weighing in

I am not a Obama supporter at all- he is not hitting the right notes "in person" that he does in his books. I am amazed at how many of my students like him and think he is going to be the next Bill Clinton without the sex addiction. . .here is my take:

While he is the only person to have a staffer answer myspace, he has no idea what he is up against, and recent events will prevent him from doing what he says he wants to do in Washington-

The system is NOT something he can just ignore- all of these changes he rattles on about will have to take place in the same place that he now talks about as corrupt and unfeeling, he is one man in a system of power, greed, special intersts, and he simply cannot issue forth change via "because I said so" I dobt very much his ability to keep a fraction of any of his promises. . .

which leads to issue number 2, he has NO clearly defined plan for this "change" and he is also very ignorant about the size and scope of the healthcare challange. . .even Hil learned plenty with her failed efforts in 1994. He speaks only of change, not plans, and this is going to devestate my frosh students who will believe him to be this shinging light in the cesspool of government, thanks to heaps of derision on the very office of president over these 7 + years. He is going to have a VERY tough choice to make; will he stay who he is, and take whatever he can get, or will he go along to get along? I am betting the latter. . .he will end up a sell out to his "change" unless he prepares himself for those tough choices. . .and he has to learn to answer questions as questions, not as ruminations about how much like "us" he is, i.e. his visit here and his "in the shadow of a closed factory" crap, which tend to sway toward nostalgia instead of concrete plans for change. . .

Going Autistic solo

Precious is almost done with his intensive therapy. . .scary! No, he is not cured, he is just done with the waiver program, which only gives a few, well 3, years to hitting autism hard, then drops off after the 3 years are up- we were hoping for a4th year, but the bill was killed in the Senate, bummer!

So, as of next week, Precious will be in school ALL DAY and ride the bus home! Wow.

Happy Single Appreciation Day!

Mixing it up with Obama

My most recent note to his Myspace page-

So, the wife came to town, met with the same old same old crowd at the chi chi place, met with "real people" did she? I am disappointed, there were tons of us everyday folks around. . .hard to see from the limo, I guess.
I hope before the week is out that Mr. Obama will offer something beyond the flowery words to struggling families like mine- healthcare, how exactly are you going to do that? How are you going to address the huge loans today's college grads are facing?
Brass tacks are now required, I get the whole "change" thing, but without a clear vision as to how you hope to bring about change in an arena like Washington, you are not going to get far.

Monday, February 11, 2008

So about Obama

At least his underling replied!!!!

Here's the deal- Idecided that since KIA is voting in his very. first. election! I would try to feel out the attitudes of the people running. To that end, I emailed Hilary, Obama, and McCain and invited them to come for lunch/supper. . .and only Obama replied, well his people, but you know what I mean!

I was very surprised, I half expected a real reply from him. . .personally, like it's a fan letter! Sad, but true!

SO, I revise my previous post, to clarify that at the VERY least one of his people replied, which is more than I can say for the rest of the wannbes!

Yes, I am very proud of KIA, he is really looking at this hard- he is watching the debates, reading up, and discussing the different aspects of the race, and I am having a GREAT time playing Devil's advocate/naysayer. . .and having an even BETTER time watching him step up to argue with me.

Yes, perfectly raised children may be easier, but KIAS are sooo much more interesting and fun!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

So, I tried out this whole "I am change" thing of Obama's, I am convinced that until we have people who actually MEET with the "masses" we will continue to have crap leadership- until there are people in power who can put faces with names and remember those they serve, we will continue with the same garbage- it is sooooo easy to screw people over when they are nothing but a shapes lass of popular poll blips. . .so I decided to invite Barak for dinner. . .what a joke!
See the carefully worded pat response below. . .which blows me off WHILE encouraging me to get 'involved"

Gee, I am already pretty sick of the get involved thing. . .I just tried to get involved, and I was blown off!

So here is the heartfelt reply to my sincere invitation-

Hi Michele,Thanks for getting in touch and sharing your support! Unfortunately, Senator Obama's schedule is continuously in flux due to the unpredictable nature of the Senate calendar and the heavy demands on his time. The best way to find out when he's coming to your area is to bookmark and visit often. We post information on Barack's confirmed schedule there in the Upcoming Events section.We also encourage you to sign up for email updates on the front page of and include your zip code so we can send you information about events in your area. You can also create your own profile on to connect with Obama supporter groups in your area. These groups are created by regular people like you, and if there isn't a group nearby, you can create one.Thanks for getting in touch,

Yeah, riiiiiight!

Ok- snow. . .

WOW, 14+ inches of new snow to go with the 12 we got last week. . .the kids are thrilled, so is the dog, who hops around the yard like a rabbit!

School so far- ick. I am in a class that is so close to being useful. . .darn. . . well at least one of my classes will sustain.

I have 2 of my 3 committee members for my prelims. . .sigh so close!