Friday, February 15, 2008

Snow thoughts

So, more storm, more snow, and I find myself able to think for the first time in a long time, and wow, I am so glad I cannot do this all the time- let me explain;

So, I believe that Obama has the potential to be one of the most soul crushing historic disappointments in the realm of voter expectations. Here is my reasoning, and well, see what you think

We are hip deep in the American Idol phase of the election process-Primaries, where we are sitting with our signs, waving them and screaming at the mere mention of the cherished name. . .and we are basically seeing the rise of the hip/young/cool/trendy/charismatic norm breecher wannabe Idol, who IS the CHANGE I WANT. . .whatever that means. We have the faceplate, but we have no idea what is underneath. Do not get me wrong, I am a not giving Hil a nod here, I personally believe her to have no base, center of her own, she is is whoever she needs to be in the moment, and who she REALLY is. . .???

But I digress- this will not be about whether or not Obama means what he says and says what he means, it will be about his understanding of his limitations in the govenment we have. If he is going to try to do 1/2 of what he claims, there are serious challanges to address-the speeches about "understanding" who "we" are is already seperating us into the "masses" catagory, instead of emphasis on solidarity, which concerns me greatly. If he fancies himself outside trying to see our world, what will he really see if he never meets anyone? My dinner invitation notwithstanding. When his wife came here, they picked 5 supporters, met in a microbrewery during office hours, on a pnone call notice, and she was in and out of town in 45 minutes, limo, door, limo gone. . .met with the little people who love my husband. . .check. Huh? I know of very few people who are the "hardworking middle class" that he is always talking about who could ever pull off such a thing. . .oh, yeah, and the meeting itself was "invitation only, undisclosed location"- hmmmm, closed door meetings already (jk)

Next problem- say the American Idol wins, what then? As 1/3 of the body, what on earth can he do to "change" the current system as he claims he will? How will he get healthcare changed, the war ended, the economy going, the middle class tax cuts? It is not that I do not consider him insincere, he is showing an alarming cluelessness about the very nature of what he is selling- how can you cut taxes AND fund a healthcare system, stimulate the economy AND basically end the healthcare system as it is currently run, and curtail or end health insurance business in favor of . . .something else? Where are you going to get money for this if you cut taxes? I am not a scholar of economics, but even I know that Americans may believe they deserve Sweden's system of healthcare, but the majority of them will be shocked at the costs, and may not be willing to pay what the Swedes do in taxes. . .

So here is the capper- what happens to these young idealistic voters for Obama when he is unable to bring the Change THEY WANT? I wonder if they will end up like I did, with my very first presidential election- and my canidate won, but was a HUGE disappointment! Are these new people going to shrug their shoulders and say 'well, he did his best" or will they turn on the person and not the limitations placed, on purpose, on this office? Do we want any sort of carte blanc option for ANY branch? The shrill voices of the past 7+ years seem to indicate that we may be unwilling to upset the balance of power. . . so what then?

Do we deserve this though, we, who are so willing to ignore, let alone question, the man behind the curtain of fancy eloquent words, preferring our photo op with the Wizard? Is this all we will get, style over substance, because we value youth and inexperience, over wisdom and age, inspiration of solutions because solutions would require too much from up? So we can build in a bit of an out. . .well, we were "lied to" when in reality we just chose. . .poorly? Hmmmmm

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