Monday, February 18, 2008

^%% Snow

I do not know how much more this can SUCK!! What a trek to work today- cars in ditches and all over the road. . my mantra? "I'm gonna die, I am gonna FUCKING die!" So far, it has had the opposite effect. . .
So, showed the video in class- way emotional and hopefully the discussion on deviance will be helped, one of my students had a friend on campus at the time of the shooting. . .so scary!
Kids are soooo anxious to play, but ice and crapness making that impossible! The snow is hard, almost lethal, but that silly muttface dog of mine goes hopping in it at regular intervals. . .such a dog/bunny! She does that nose poking thing too, comes in with her nose all snowy like she ate a donut. . .silly pups!
So,the latest from the Obama Tour- Groupies!

>>Citing her husband's ability to address the challenges facing low-income and middle-class families, Michelle Obama rallied a crowd of several hundred at the Pabst Theater today."There is more that unites us than divides us," Obama said near the start of her talk, which began at noon. "But when you're struggling every day, it's easy to be cynical. It's easy to believe that nothing can change."Obama spoke for nearly an hour without notes and elicited standing ovations with mention of her husband's opposition to the war in Iraq and her own opinions on education."When people look at me, I want them to see what an investment in public education could look like," she said, referencing her own education in Chicago Public Schools.Obama discussed her childhood on Chicago's south side, where she said her father's salary as a city worker supported a family of four and sent both her and her brother to Princeton University."There's nothing miraculous about my upbringing," said Obama, a graduate of Harvard Law School. "The only thing that sets us apart from failure is a little bit of hope and hard work."Arlisia McHenry of Milwaukee admitted tearing up during Obama's speech."You want that dream for your own children," McHenry said. "It's a new hope, a new energy that we've yet to see in politics."<<

Yep, you sure do,and sadly,you are goingto settle for "close" or "lesser of the evils"


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