Thursday, February 14, 2008

Weighing in

I am not a Obama supporter at all- he is not hitting the right notes "in person" that he does in his books. I am amazed at how many of my students like him and think he is going to be the next Bill Clinton without the sex addiction. . .here is my take:

While he is the only person to have a staffer answer myspace, he has no idea what he is up against, and recent events will prevent him from doing what he says he wants to do in Washington-

The system is NOT something he can just ignore- all of these changes he rattles on about will have to take place in the same place that he now talks about as corrupt and unfeeling, he is one man in a system of power, greed, special intersts, and he simply cannot issue forth change via "because I said so" I dobt very much his ability to keep a fraction of any of his promises. . .

which leads to issue number 2, he has NO clearly defined plan for this "change" and he is also very ignorant about the size and scope of the healthcare challange. . .even Hil learned plenty with her failed efforts in 1994. He speaks only of change, not plans, and this is going to devestate my frosh students who will believe him to be this shinging light in the cesspool of government, thanks to heaps of derision on the very office of president over these 7 + years. He is going to have a VERY tough choice to make; will he stay who he is, and take whatever he can get, or will he go along to get along? I am betting the latter. . .he will end up a sell out to his "change" unless he prepares himself for those tough choices. . .and he has to learn to answer questions as questions, not as ruminations about how much like "us" he is, i.e. his visit here and his "in the shadow of a closed factory" crap, which tend to sway toward nostalgia instead of concrete plans for change. . .


laurafingerson said...

Hear, hear!! I am SO with you on your comments and poor John has to hear about it all the time.

Ema said...

Yeah- he is SO not going to do what he says he will. . .but he thinks he can!
