Saturday, May 3, 2008


Yeah, there will be those that will tell all mothers of special needs kids ESPECIALLY, that they belong in the home, not off earning money for their child's future!


When you get that dx, when you realize that the child you are having will probably never leave home, that you will die and not be sure that the child will be taken care of, when you UNDERSTAND that life costs, and death will rob your special needs child of their caregiver. . .what Rainmom would NOT want to work and get things paid for?

In a completely perverse way, gender roles are so unforgiving. . .you HAVE to take care of this child. . .but HOW? What is the best way to ensure the future of your special needs kid? Stay at home and take care of them physically, or get out there and work, save what you can and plan a future for them. . .either way, it is weird that special needs moms almost get a pass that typical moms do not. . .as in OH, yeah, you HAVE to stay home with THAT child. . .grrrrrr

All I know is that to not work means that I will leave that much less for him after I am gone, and to work now it to care for him in the future.

ROCK on Alaska Special Needs MOM!

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