Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Spring 4.0

Yep- Got 4.0 this semester. . .what a way to end my coursework phase. . .ahhhhhhh

But I do go on. . . .

So- the semester is pretty much OVER and wow I have my prelim outline all set. . .Jewish community of the city, non profits and history of the hospital. . .CANNOT wait TO GET INTO THE ARCHIVES. . .

Randdomocity rules so here you go, until I can update about my HELLISH last few weeks-

KIA- all set to graduate and all set at school next year, I am so freaking proud of my son!

Zach- BEST man at a wedding this past Sunday. . .he had an AMAZING time, wore a tux and made a toast that made people cry! I always knew he had it in him. . .having him look so happy and proud of himself is a wonderful thing

Cocoa- What a beasty! She has such the clothes attitude lately, but then, she goes all tomboy on me. . .so that will be an interesting thing to watch, and suffer through. She is doing so well at school- and has actually been reading at a 2nd grade level since February.

Precious- he is doing very well, now that he is in school all day. He is doing dance this summer, and it should be a great time for him, as dancing is one of his favorite things to do!

Butter- Milking a cold for all it is worth right now, so sad to see! He has been doing so well in school and I am really happy with how well he has adjusted- he is in the talent show doing a comedy act. . .wonder where he gets that from!

Muffin-Well, he is all set for camp- not a moment too soon- as he is hating school so much now. . .hope next year is better

We have a great weekend planned- beach if it is nice, home fun if it is not. . .indoor picnics are GREAT in May:)

Oh, and yes, an Obama rant is on its way. . .;)

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