Friday, May 30, 2008

"America" must PAY. . .

Something from the Hinterland. . .some sort of threat or sanction from another country? Nope, the person who is responsibile for the quote here is Obama's latest pastor problem, at his current church, and of course you can look up the speech on Youtube.

Yeah- that whole race speech is just so ridiculous- and while I feel for all of you who were duped into believing this guy was going to do anything constructive, you have to admit that the voice in your head was paying attention to what he was NOT saying, and you are not as shocked as you want to think.

What does that mean? That far from being cynical, we are actually CRITICAL thinkers. People who offer us things should expect to be scrutinized. Obama has made a run of it so far in equating that scrutiny with some some sort of racism, and even went so far to defend a position that in the context of the speech he was giving was hypocritical. Yes, the grandma speech, in which he played the race card, while calling for the race card to go away. . .for some races. . .is what I am talking about.

Race issues are going to continue to plague this country until a great deal of baggage and sacred cows are dealt with;

1. The default assumption that all whites are racist HAS to go away.
2. The default assumption that no Blacks can be racist or antisemitic HAS to go.
3. The hegemony on "victim" of injustice is not the sole right of any one group- and it cannot excuse contermporary behaviors and issues.
4. The goal of switching places, and making whites of today "pay" for the supposed "crimes" may be good for Michelle Obama who is finally "proud" of an America that is going to try to oppress the right color now. . .but for many people of many races, this is not a laudable goal.

This is just a start- but see, can you imagine any hopeful politician, of any race, telling people that their sacred cows of victimhood must go? That alone would lead to accusations of racism and insensitivity. . .game over.

Funny how all this started- I invited all the hopefuls to dinner during the primary- and wound up being labeled "a sad attempt from the Right" when I asked for more specific information about Obama's plan from one of his "people"

My son is probably going to vote for someone other than Obama, and he is disgusted by the turn of events that revealed what a weak man his first election hopeful turned out to be, unable to stand up for those lofty ideals, unable to respond to any questions WITHOUT whining, and when all else fails, blame racism!

He has jaded my son at 18 years old. . .

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