Monday, May 26, 2008

Remarks about "retards"


At what point are we "grown up" "mature" and how dependent is that status on those around us? I had thought that such questions were self evident, once you become.. . .older, a mom, or a parent, well. . .grown up and mature are just part of that, right?

Apparently not-

Some background- at the school Butter and Cocoa go to, there is a group of mothers who hang out and gossip long after the school day has begun. Their leader is a fake baked, loud and trashy (by trashy I mean screaming. . .um talking, about her nightly benders and how she measures how her day is going by how soon into the day she taps the booze frig, the one in the garage just for her booze, discusses the weather by how many beers she could/did consume before getting too cold etc.) in short, someone I have very little in common with, but live and let live.

After spring break, we were having a LOT of trouble getting Precious on the bus. He just did not want to go, and morning after moring, the bus would come and we would send it off- But for the last month, everything has been fine, and he has ridden the bus just fine.

Thursday- Trash Queen sees the bus coming and in her subtle as an air raid siren says "Why the FUCK does that bus even bother to come? I'll bet you all 50 bucks, 50 BUCKS that the retard will not get on the bus. . ." and then MY SON and I got to the curb and he got on the bus.

What did I do? Well, nothing criminal, but certainly not mature. . .so I am left to wonder just what goes into maturity. . .if not age, and how much depends on those around us?

Based on the situation- I am guesing a LOT of it depends on the people around us!

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