Friday, July 3, 2009

We have a man down

Butter vs. Slide= Emergency visit to the doctor, X- rays, ice, and a LOT of cuddle love and reassurance. . .

The scene. . .docile and bucolic "playground". . .SATAN'S PLAYGROUND!!!!!!!

Butter, intrepid veteran of many slides and swings, see saws and Merry go rounds, rises to the top of the ladder, and gracefully, yet manly, slides down the slide. . .only to lose his footing at the bottom and fall "BACK"WARDS. . .small of back meets hard as a rock ridge of the slide in a battle of wills. . .and the slide wins. . .

OF course I was 2 feet away, OF course I saw it happen in that scary slo-mo ultra fast Matrix like reality. . . . .Mooooooooommmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. . .in that order.

So- whew, it is really summer now, we have had our first trip to the ER- with X-rays, and it is not even the 4th yet. . .CHECK that off the list. . .

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