Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Raising Satan

As the mother of the most politically INCORRECT beings, white men that is, I continue to struggle with the reflexive and automatic de facto prejudice and personal attacks on my sons every day. . .from people who claim they want "diversity" and "equality" no less. . .it can be very disheartening to say the least.

The worst part? It seems this could actually become the DEFAULT setting on the world view in my sons lifetime! $%#@ white men! Hold THEM back- Keep THEM out. . .and the new world order, one predicated on tolerance and acceptance. . .cannot cheer loud enough for this new world order. . .with the tacit "GIVE THEM A TASTE OF THEIR OWN MEDICINE" wafting from the fray, how hypocritical and false these situation make diversity seem!

My children do not need a taste of any medicine, and as human beings they have the right to their successes, and to their pride. As their mother, I will continue to take exception to the blanket "men are evil" crap and meet it head on. . .you have been warned. Stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. . .all wrong, all the time. . .when used to decide who should be included and who should be excluded. . .

All hail, wise people of all colors and genders. . .lay off my children, haters!

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