Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"I only like the Jewish guy I pray to. . ."

Ok, so, the religion thing raises its ugly head. . .again.

As stated before, we had some family members pass away recently, and the question as to "what happens when you die. . ." becomes very VERY critical. . .and it is here that the religious differences really show between their dad and I. . .so

My mother in law, and all of Chris's family believe in that wonderful heaven place, which is currently being cared for by. . .wait for it. . .a Jewish guy! Which is ironic, because Jews do not have a heaven- we do not have a pat answer for the what happens when question. . .but our idea about life after life differs greatly in location as well. . .Jews believe that the next world, the "World to Come" stays Earth bound- Tikkun Olam- repair the world, because THIS is where the Messiah will establish it, not some city in the clouds. And the World to come is for those who lived well, it is not reserved for only those who are/were good Jews, there are no magic prayers into this, you either lived a good life or you did not. . .no "I know I sinned, and I feel really bad. . . and well, it is square with Jesus" kind of thing. . .

Why does this surface now? Because the recent deaths have spurred things in my kid's OTHER side of the family. . .why do they not go to church? (they are JEWISH) Why are they not aware of who Jesus is (STILL JEWISH) When will they be confirmed, take communion, and start Sunday school (Never, they are STILL Jewish!)

So, I am left with the question, what will I now do? Answer, sign them up for Hebrew School of course! Found a good one, got the papers, so I will have them in classes by fall. . .L'Chaim!

Sigh, another time, I will tie this up with why I am so conflicted with the Jewish religious institution aspect of being a Jew. . .

But, the quote? Angry about my position on the grandkids. . .because they are, well, going to hell for not being baptized. . .and I said being Jewish was not a go to Hell card, it was who the kids and I are. . .and the Title of this blog was uttered, with complete ironic delight. . .

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