Monday, August 25, 2008

I know you have been waiting for it

and since I hate to disappoint. . .

The most overhyped convention of the decade kicked off, which will result in the nomination of a person that will set the chances of EVER electing a progressive canidate back at least 10 years.

Ted Kennedy, the one who's horrific history has been wiped clean by terminal illness, starts the show OFFICIALLY, however, the true debacle is yet to come. Wait until the Clintons get there. In this mismanaged charge for "change" there is now a person in contention with zero credibility with swing voters, radical positions that he is CONSTANTLY backtracking on, and without the backing of the Clinton voters, the house is divided, and in November, it will fall.

At that moment, after months of negative ads, and the words of Clinton ringing in their ears, about how we, the people do not even know THAT much about him, combined with the constant
need to "clarify" and the million and one other reasons. . .people will vote for the war hero who bumbled and stumbled, rather than the one who kept telling them they did not need to hear his plans just yet.

Don't believe me? Ask Gore and Kerry if that has ever happened. . .

I find it even more unfathomable that he picked the guy who said Obama was so "bright and clean" as his VP. . .and that Hillary was not vetted, and that Obama continues to act like a rock star that wants to dazzle rather than articulate anything about his plans, how he will pay for any of his grand promises. . .

Retch, my stomach just turned- the guy who left a young girl to drown in his car is getting a standing ovation. . .

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