Tuesday, October 30, 2007

So the letter got printed in the paper. . .

Yeah, ok- not trying to be a dork, but that is pretty much all I can do. . .or is it? For those of you who know me, and even those of you who e mail me wondering what is my deal. . .surely you must know that I have more to do with this, right? :)

Here is the thing, so many social changes have come with those advocating change not sure they could even change anything, in this case, I know I can, because things HAVE changed. I have children who had hundreds of dollars worth of shots, and thousands of dollars worth of medicine, and even more in uncovered doctor's expenses because of the short sightedness of the insurance industry. . .and I can use that to my advantage, for the cause of helping kids not as blessed as mine, a total bitch for a mom who would NOT sit still and "wait and see", and for those kids who cannot afford to wait. . .so, I am taking this torch up. . .stay tuned!

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