Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Sparky! Wow 11 years old. . .my BABY! :)
You are probably the only one of my kids who has equal parts of both parents. . .the good and the bad. . .and you are chocolate and peanut butter. . .2 great things mixed together.
From your father, you have the gift of logic and of cool calm and collected. Your analytical mind and very ver very VERY dry sense of humor is enhanced by those traits.
You also have my extreme emotionalism and passion for getting things done and doing them right, something I wish your other siblings shared! You want things done yesterday, and you want them done right, yet where I expect, nay DEMAND, perfection from myself, you are able to give yourself a break when you try your best and still fall a bit short of your goal, hang on to that Sweetheart, please!
You are the only one of my kids who got his daddy's eyes, you are the only one who laughs at all of my Star Wars voices, and you are STILL the best one for making me laugh at the weirdest times. . .waiting in line at the store, in the car, just silly every day kinds of things. . .
Butter, you are a sweet smart, WONDERFUL kid with so much talent and potential. . .and you know what? You WILL do what you set your mind too. . .because you will want it badly enough to work for it, and baby, that is half the battle!
Happy birthday, my sweet baby boy!

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