I have paused to wonder at times why I have both
Facebook and a blog, and today, I realized why it is that I maintain them both. . .it is because of the night and day differences between my perceptions of those "worlds".
Here I am venting, explaining, pondering, questioning and not really expecting people to reply. . .like it when they do, but overall, I am hashing things out, having these discussions with myself that I used to have in classes, and that I would have with others if I had more of a life.
Facebook is like junk food for me, junk food interactions. . .not meant to really be about debate and heavens no not discussions. . .and also there is the incognito quality to this blog that makes me open up a bit more here than on
Facebook. I love going there to catch up on things, and read the quiz results and see what people are doing through out their days. . .sociology os so much a part of my motivation, plus, I like them all. . .and feel like I am sneaking chocolate when I log on and catch up. . .
Today, I probably got as close as I will ever get to
unfriend someone, and I guess she may
unfriend me, but I realized that the
facebook page I have is not really
meant to be a real look at who I am and what I believe, this blog is. . .and I really could not care less if she does
unfriend me, here's why;
A "friend" wrote an update about people she lost who had been victims of gun violence, someone else wrote about feeling afraid and not supporting gun laws, and then the "discussion" got ugly. . .the "friend" who wrote the original post stated that maybe if this women "had a friend shot in the head" she would think differently. . .the classic "my pain is worse than yours I win" position, I am quite familiar with it. I wrote about my brother and how we worry about him
every time he
goes to work, and how the current gun laws and any others they may write will not matter to someone who is willing to kill someone. . . My point was and will always be that the problem stems from cultural understandings and meanings about violence and guns, and that so long as we live in a Go ahead, Make my day kind of society, guns will continue to be methods of choice for those so inclined to end their beefs with people
permanently. . .
So- the original poster removes the posts, and then posts on my wall that she would appreciate it if I did not "belittle" her on her own page, and by belittle her, she means disagree I guess. . .I sent her a private message explaining that disagreeing should not be construed as belittling and that before she posts smack on my wall, she should, at the very least have her facts straight. Had I been guilty of such a thing, fine, but I was not. . .and I wonder if she also has the same perception of Facebook that I have of this blog- was not expecting anyone to discuss things she posted, and was surprised and caught off guard when I did. Well, I will not be replying to her posts other than her cutie ones. . .maybe that is her Facebook worldview.
The thing that makes me laugh most ironically about this situation is the horrible fracturing of the meaning of the word "respect"- in her reply on my wall, she stated that she respected my opinion. . .but I guess not me as a person, since my opinions were deleted and I was attacked on my wall. . .so her attempt to"respect" me in this case is to libel me. . .
sheeshTime to go take a meaningless quiz and catch up on some of my friends lives, but not discuss a damn thing!