Friday, July 11, 2008

Rain Drops keep falling on my head

These past few days have been a complete nightmare, starring Precious and his full on, hell on crack tamper tantrums.

I have literally ben chanined to the house, and his therapy has been, hem, erratic, with no shows today and yesterday not helping at all.

I am at a loss for the confirmed reason for his meltdowns, but think I have a clue- he is bored, and spoiled, and well, he shows that through behavior. Could be he is not feeling well, he could be sick, I have no real clue about that until he is REALLY sick. . .all I know is that for now, I am COUNTING the days until Boston!

Just try to keep the positive vibes coming, I just keep swimming, I guess. I wonder if I am taking it so hard because with all of the progress, I thought the worst was over, what if it is just starting? Plus that whole Jodie Bitch thing hovers. . .sigh

1 comment:

laurafingerson said...

You poor mama!! I'd say what you always say to me: "This too, shall pass." But I'm not sure that's so helpful in this case! How do you avoid spoiling him? Avoid the boredom? That's hard with a non-autistic kid. I know, permanent day camp! Oh wait, that's school..... ;)