Monday, July 14, 2008

Gender Bedtime differences

Ok- maybe I am not the only one who has noticed this, far from it, I am guessing, and maybe now that I wrote it down, it has more to do with something other than gender BUT

Ok- now no matter if I am "off work" for the summer or teaching 4 classes bedtime for these kids is the last part of the marathon. . .and the finish line waits just beyond the dulcet tones of 3 sleeping kids. . .restfully covered in their nice beds, and then and ONLY then do I get a chance to breathe, and actually use the bathroom myself. . .

However, Dad makes bedtime. . .a "let's just make this a fun fun time for me since I do not see you all that much" so stories, baths EVERY NIGHT, and snacks and bedtime drinks, and happy times that go on and on and on. . .making seem like dad is NEVER away, we are all soooooo glad that dad has time to be here. . . BUT

I am not excused from the bedtime rituals no matter how much is added to the routine, and because Precious is so bent on routine, once it is added, it stays until he removes it from the routine, so when dad is NOT here, he still expects the 3 hour bedtime routine, and so do the 10 year old and the 6 year old. . . which makes me cranky as all hell.

This is what I do most weekdays
8-9- dance class me
9:30-11:30 playground group for Butter and Cocoa
12-1 Gymnastics Cocoa
130-230 Swim lessons all of them
5-6:30 Dance lessons all 3
6:45 supper
7:30pm begin bed rituals

When dad puts them to bed it is
Rough housing
bed time drink
brush teeth
snuggle time
good night time
plus the fighting, arguing, whining, and the other resistance . . . or dad laying around and "recovering from his long day hard at work"

Oi. . .VEY.

Bedtime when I put the kids to bed
"Get into bed now"
"Good night"

The night is MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, bad Rainmom. . .but without those 20 minutes of relaxation I am toast the next day!

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