Tuesday, June 24, 2008

While we are talking about concerts. . .

Wanna know WHY I fear the domination of ANYTHING by like interests? Here is a great example of the latent function of absolute power. . .

So- KIA graduates, and he wants, as a gift, to meet and greet with the band Nightwish, mentioned in the previous post. I am lucky (?) enough to find VIP tickets, for the concert, which, for extra money, includes a "Meet and Greet" with the band. Yeah! Wha Hoo!!! Right?


The venue decided to make the details of the VIP session a SECRET and even though we were there on time, security shunted the parking to a great far off location and we missed the session! After that, the concert is just the general admission standing room only event.

OF COURSE the venue washed their hands of it, OF course Ticketmaster could not care any less, as evidenced by the "superior commitment to customer satisfaction" dripping from these e mails;

I wrote this-

"While I know that Ticketmaster has no reason to listen, I am really tired of losing money for things you promise, and then make it impossible to recover that money. I went to the Pearl Room in Il. to see Nightwish on May 31, and had purchased VIP tickets. The venue stated that you had to be in by 6:30 for the 7pm show. . .and then had the security detail make you park a far distance from the venue. By the time we got to the door- the VIP tickets were no good- and the venue could not have cared less, as I am sure you are not going to care. Nightwish is going to be at HOB Chicago in September, any tips on how I can actually receive what I get, you know, the VIP part, provided I can even purchase VIP tickets?
The May 31 VIP tickets were my son's graduation gift, and to not get the meet and greet was very disappointing. The LAST HOB show had yet another screw up and we were treated like criminals after the show, and the band had class enough to make it up to us, Ticketmaster and HOB just ignored the problem. With all the money I pay for tickets, and all of your "fees" it is especially galling to pay for something that you do not get, and then have everyone say, "not MY problem"

The reply from Ticketmaster was less than stellar;

Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your e-mail regarding Local Vip. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please be advised, we only handle National Vip. If you have any further question or concern please contact us. Thank you for using Ticketmaster. We very much appreciate your business, and hope we were able to resolve any problems or answer any questions you had. Please reply to this email if we may be of further assistance.

Sincerely, Daisy_ZYS756 Ticketmaster.com Customer Support

I then replied thus;

This makes no sense- but whatever. You have a complete monopoly on things and can afford to blow off people who are riped off because you do not back what you sell-so, I can just spend my money on other things and events, but hey. . .Thanks for the complete lack of customer service and the dependable dissatisfaction, your streak remains unbroken! 100% of the time you refuse to deal with nondelivery of services paid for, Good job!

And their reply. . . .?

Nothing! And people, with a straight face, tell me that having the same party in control of the Federal budget would be an improvement! Puleeeze!

Absolute power corrupts absolutely! Whoever said that? WORD!

1 comment:

Chetter said...

I hate Ticketmaster. I wish there was some other ticket purchasing service out there available for use (besides eBay/craigslist). Anyway...I'm glad I stumbled across your blog! Hooray!!