Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Recap the MADNESS. . .

I will try to anyway:)
So- the MOSH first. Went the Nightwish concert, took along 2 of my kids, and 3 of KIA's friends. . .and my 14 year old was somehow in the middle of the mosh pit. Now, I LOVE watching the behavior of men/boys at these concerts, the energy is beyond belief, the patterns of interaction are just too fascinating, and well, I love the music, so it is always a good time. In my youth, I would actually study the gender thing by going in the pit and the age thing as well, as I am an old fuddy. . .and well it has always worked out.
This time was different- A female tried to PUNCH my kid, I think, well she punched someone else, and the someone else, a guy, punched her! Whoa! Got my baby right on out of there! I had not ever seen a woman get hit before, usually they are "passed" with groping aplenty, this was the first time I had seen this happen!
Other than that, it was a GREAT concert, and I saw my crush so up close. . .LOVE my BAMFs!

School/online will have to wait for another time. . ..too much!
The kids are driving me nuts and Muffin sent 3 letters home from camp pleading homesickness and crying. . .sigh, I hope he is doing better!
More later, time for Spanish Camp!

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