Blizzard shmizzard the life of a born and bred Wisconsin woman teaches her that the snow will always be there, and that you can fear it, avoid it or meet it in a HEAD ON FULL ON TAKE NO SHIT kind of way. . .I went with the 3rd option, all my life I have loved to laugh in the face of snow, and it is now at the point where going into a ditch is not a big deal at all. . .laughing all the way through winter.
Today, winter laughed back. . .big TIME.
So, kids have no school and my school is open (well it was not supposed to be but they did not get the memo and neither did I) and with the last comments on my draft being something along the lines of "you are an idiot and why are you wasting my time and how did you get a Master's anyway. . ." (not really, settle down Amanda, that's just what I heard in my head;) and with my need to meet and prove I can write lit review. . .as long as I am not trying to write the introduction to my dissertation. . .;) (remember Laura? My first draft of my Master's proposal?;) I decided the time was right to head down the interstate safe and blissed out on the fact that the kids were home safe, I had shoveled the walk and drive, the need to rush home to make supper was not needed thanks to the best.invention.EVER. (yummy spaghetti and meatballs) and the power was back on, so all signs said that I had a wonderful chance to get some work done on campus.
I did go off the road, exactly half way to campus. (which decided to close at 1pm I found out later) However, I was not concerned, I am prepared. I take out my shovel, and begin to free my car. The shovel is an old one, metal and a bit rusty. . .yep you can see it coming can't you?
Missed the snow but did get my leg. BAD. Like cut through my pants and got me. OK, I don't feel the pain right away and am more annoyed by the rip in my pants, until the blood starts to pool on the ground next to my foot. I grab a handful of snow (did I mention the salt trucks were surely out?) and wipe my leg off to get a look.
BLOODY. FARKIN.HELL. That looks bad. I now understand the reason for the pool. . .and think, wow, should probably get that looked at. . .after I get my car out. Finally do that and head back to town. I go to the walk in clinic- and it is closed due to the weather. I am told that if I need any assistance I should go to the ER- which I do, along with half of the people who were supposed to be seen that day at the clinic.
Due to my, thank goodness (??) obvious distress. . .lots of bleeding. . .still and the fact that I really REALLY cannot remember when I had a tetanus shot. . .I am put at the top of the. . .when hell freezes over list. This gives the clerk a chance to announce to the entire town that because YOU have NO INSURANCE you will be required to pay a 100 deposit. . .fine. Whateves. . .I know irony IRONY given my dissertation but hey, it's on my to do list.
So, get in and get cleaned up (all of which I could have done from free, but they would not give me the shot without the cleaned up view of the leg) and then in comes the shot. . .carried by the most pissed off women I have EVER seen in. my. LIFE! Seriously? She says to turn around and well, blush blush drop them, I said "Pardon me?" Ok this was a HUGE mistake cause as I mentioned she was ALREADY pissed off and she had a needle the size of which was growing. a LOT. every time I looked at it. She said, "look ma'am (bitch) I do not have time for this. Your shot is going on your *(& because of where you are hurt and those puny little arms" Oh HELL to the NO- did she just say that to me? Yep. . .and I was about to respond as only RAINMOM can when I saw the needle had grown another 5 feet. . .and decided to cut my losses and do as I was told.
ummmmmmm that was another mistake- should have asked for a new person or been a bit more charming. Holy HELL did that hurt, and as a commuter, let's just say I will be thinking of my precious little interlude with Brunhilde NeedleJammer for a loooooooong time.
Headed home past the clinic (which had actually decided to open NATCH) and laughed my way through this post as I tell you all. . .wow, Winter you totally p'wd my ASS today All Hail!
Not all lost, the pics say it all, the most important parts of my life were awesome today. . .
Too funny! I hate to laugh at your misery, but your entertaining writing was hilarious. You poor woman! But, I have to say, major kudos for even having a shovel in your car. I don't - never occurred to me. Hm..... And, I totally remember your first proposal drafts. I think they were say, 75 pages??!
YES 75 glorious pages where Goffman, Mead and Redbook cavorted over time and space. . .:)
Oh yes, GLORIOUS!! ;)
Very funny post. I will admit--you Wisconsin moms are tougher than us Michigan moms! :) Have a great winter and Christmas!
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