Tuesday, January 20, 2009

On this day

Wait to read this until you have squeezed every last drop of euphoria from your day- this is not meant to be a kill joy, but do not read this if you are still in the heights of the new world order. I did not support him, so I am not in your zone. You have been warned. . .

Readers who follow here know that today is a rather bitter day here under the umbrella. The past year has been pretty heart wrenching- and I learned a lot about people I thought I knew- things that I am glad to have discovered, but things that horrify me nonetheless. Watching my children get verbally abused at school for wearing their McCain shirts, while their classmates jeered at them, many of the teachers tacitly agreed. . .and did nothing. The horrible supporters of this new president who treated an elderly McCain supporter in a wheelchair most terribly and tried to hit me with a sign when I intervened. . . the list goes on

Random thoughts;

I am stunned by the antisemitism in the many of the followers of the new president that I know and that have read on blogs like Kos and Huffington- people who have called Jews by the most horrible names, nazis and the like, for the "crime" of protection of their people and have taken to demonizing Israel as evil nazis, while saying nothing about the attacks on Jews in Israel proper. . .the attacks were coming from an area that Israel left in August 2005. . .people who claim they want the new president to bring peace. . .but destroy Israel. . .with no real word what would happen to the Jews and non Jews living there. Stunning, I am leery of a person who attracts such followers, and scared of a world where people can open call for the death of people like me, and the world yawns and agrees. . .

I am not sold on Hope and change that is devoid of any substance, and I resent being called a racist for asking questions about his plans for this country.

I do not trust a president who is on record accusing people like my brothers of "strafing villages" full of civilians, without any supporting documentation for the charge, and do not feel he supports the military, and that is a big problem for this Marine brat. He may yet earn my trust- but his cabinet picks do not inspire me at all, and the Blago foundation of his very political being is very problematic indeed.

Something that really bothers me; How then, will people like me find a voice? Dissent is being discouraged, which I find really odd, given the last several years of calling the sitting president a murderer, burning him in effigy, and slandering him at every turn and at the same time stating they were "afraid" of their president and the rights he was taking away, I am not saying they were wrong, I am saying that irony is a strange thing. . .I cannot even question his relationship with a man that would have plotted to kill people like my father during the 60s, the one who dedicated his book to, among others Sirhan Sirhan. . .the murderer of RFK. . .and who Canada would not let into their country because of his past-I want to know more, and that doesn't make me a racist.

A few final things;

I am a Zionist Jew- period. So, when you continue to forward e mails to me off of listservs that call for the death of the "Zionists" you are, for all intents and purposes, sending me a death threat. If you do not stop thoughtlessly sending these things to me and my family, as I share these with my older children, I may act, via user agreements, to keep you from doing so. Please READ BEFORE YOU FORWARD!

I am not sold on this new president, and 47 million others like me did not vote for him. I do wish this country well, and by extension, the new president. But I do not trust he has the best interests of people like me in mind. . .and I will say no more except Dissent is the highest form of patriotism and
G-d Bless America

1 comment:

KP said...

Keep on dissenting, M. We may not have supported the same presidential candidate but that isn't keeping me from wanting to hear your views on things.