Sunday, April 6, 2008

So, know any experts in the Jewish community in Milwaukee

If so, can you give them my name- I am jonesing for just that kind of expert for my final prelim committee member. . .:)

So, yes, I have taken a bit of a Barak, um break, from the political to try to salavage the rest of my semester. Have pretty much decided to go for the gusto with Margo,m and hope for the best with my other class- which is not nearly as fun or informative as I hoped. . .too bad, it seems like methodology would be important. . .;)

Kids are recovered now, I hope, they have not had a break from the sniffles, and Cocoa' asthma medicine is suspect all of a sudden, but the doctor says that we may be stepping her off that particular drug before long, and the problem with it is not well documented. . .so we wait!

Butter has had WHIRLWIND time of it, what with medaling in Math Olympaid and being selected to do the rocket launch, AND being part of Elementastics, an afterschool program for the science type, just like his mom, loved the whole "what happens if I do this" scenario!

So, made reservations to get my ass to Boston and back on the WAY cheap, I hope my hotel room has a door. . .you know how those 2 star places can cut corners:)

Graduation is less than 2 months away, wow wow WOW! KIA, wow!

Muffin is off to camp in 2 months as well, one whole month, he will LOVE it!

Precious is hard down fighting the mom on his new therapy regime. . .bet on me, I will win!!

Oh, and Casey had her first guard dog test, we had some drama, and she did WONDERFULLY. . .Except it was someone she knew breaking in (locked out of house, no spare), but she did great, had to reassure her I was not mad at her. . .she was mad that we were breaking into her, our house!

So, off to lit review my merry ass off. . .

1 comment:

laurafingerson said...

My favorite line: "bet on me, I will win!!" For many reasons, you will definitely win! ;)