Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mercy, William plead Mercy,

Ok- maybe not being disembowled just yet, but I may just need some sort of transplant before all is said and done- a sanity transplant appears to be most necessary.

I am not sure if this is how the last semester of grad classes should be playing out- my Master's experience was first rate, I asked my chair what my options were, she told me how I could graduate in 2 years with a defended proposal, and viola, it was done, so writ.

You would think, because the stakes are a bit higher, that the path would be a bit clearer- nope, no so much.

Of course, my chair this time around is wonderful, but the grinding path to getting to prelim stage is daunting for someone who hates to wait for ANYTHING, I want to know NOW what I need to do to get this done NOW, and I cannot get all my ducks in a row at once, the little @*&^%!

Case in point, contacting people- having long ago realized and embraced my e mail addiction, I have learned that some people take **gasp** HOURS to answer them! Some times, oh sweet day in the morning, DAYS!! I have learned to back off. . .but when it has been weeks, and people are not responding to requests for mid term progress grades, and feedback on the final paper, and well, just not responding to ANYONE in the class. . .I have fits!

That being said- I have been patient, I have been kind- but when potential

On the plus side? Well, only a month or so to go, then time to get ready for BOSTON!!!!!! eye on the prize, if not a beloved face in the jeering crowd of onlookers who are watching for first blood. . . . . .


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