Saturday, April 12, 2008


Thought I was cynical. . .

Yeah, Barak, I get it, my clinging is because I am bitter, not through faith nor through conviction, but bitterness. . . thanks!

He is having a tough time of it, after all, how can he be critical of those who cling to religion as a means of comfort and guidence, no matter what, and yet, the person he clings to would have serious problems with me and my fellow Jews. . .religion, there is a reason you are not supposed to bring it up in polite conversation- or politics, because in our soundbyte world, very few people stick around for the rest of the story.

Obama continues to show that he while he may be ready to start conversations, he is more than willing to shut them down or discontinue them, as he sees fit, and while that may be ok in some areas, in the political arena, it is not well received.

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