Monday, March 24, 2008

To Obama

Can the people who work for this person direct me to a site that would answer the following questions about this man's positions?

His speech, and the recent, today, (3-24-08) need for him to address pro Hamas literature reprinted verbatim in a Trinity congregation wide mailing, which I assume he received and read along with his fellow congregants in July, means I still am very concerned by his reluctance to emphatically state that he is against antisemitism and that he supports the existance of Israel, and their right to secure borders.

So these are the questions I have;

Where do you stand on Israel, let me know, in a public way, during one of your great speeches, could you say, in so many words, Israel has the right to exist, and could you comment on the history of antisemitism in the Black community and do you think that it should be part of that race debate you asked for on Tuesday.

Why do you continue to soft pedal your "critical" and "renouncing" way when it comes to radical palestinians and their terrorist orgainzations? Who are you hoping to appease?

I am really interested in finding out the answers to these questions- his recent actions and is past inaction on issue of Jewish concerns make it crucial to have the answes to these questions


We will see what I get. . .last I heard, he, well his people, we not getting back to anyone much, guess he feels it is a lock- the nomination, maybe, but if he really thinks this is going away, along with all the OTHER things he believes are "gone" the GOP will bring them back. . .in a BIG way!

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