Sunday, July 31, 2011

Such stuff as dreams are made on- The Bard. . .

Dreams- so much symbolism to them, yes? Of course yes, and yet what exactly are they? Who has them and do "they" every come true?

I would not presume to know how others feel, but I will be honest, I was and to theis day, still am a practical dreamer.

Practical in the sense that if I imagine something, and there is anyone else that needs to do something to make that dream reality, it is strictly second tier. Dreams that happen are the ones that depend on how willing you are to make them happen, and rely on an assessment of yourself. Properly applied, you can have a great deal of accuracy predicting which dreams come true and which ones are also ran.

Ah, but it is not a perfect method, because the wild card is always there, waiting to trump you, and leave you sputtering in helpless helplessness. . .cursing yourself for forgetting the first rule of dreaming- only dream big if you and you alone are the key success.

I admit, I was hoping against the cynical foundation that my dream machine is built upon, that just this once, I could actually count on someone. I was wrong.

While many may believe that they are living the dream, I am one who lives to dream, but only on my terms. . .

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