Friday, December 31, 2010


21 years ago, I had the child that made all things possible- no I know I had Gambit already. . .let me explain-
You, my KIA, invented the child centered way of raising a child. You demanded equal say and you said from the get go HEY. . .I WANT IN ON THIS. . .and I gave it to you.
You ate real food before you had a tooth in your head. You believed every single thought you had was REAL. . .and we both laugh when we think of me, 4 months pregnant with your brother, dragging you off that roof because you had tied a pillowcase to your back and were sure you could FLY. . .OMG KIA wow here we are. . .
21 and ready to take on theoworld, so independent, so strong and so YOU. . .and I could not be prouder of the man you are now. . .
Happy birthday KIA I love you:)

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