Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chain of Fools Redux

Thanks to years of neglect by the one who was supposed to fix it, and years of illness and poverty by the one left behind to fix it, I am losing my bathroom floor to water damage. After extensive research and cautionary tales from TLC, HGTV, and Make it Right Mike, I thought I was ready to find someone to fix my floor. I called every number in the book, and of the 20 people I spoke with, only 3 passed muster to be invited to submit a bid. . .and OMG wow.
Handyman Number 1. . .total and complete EWWWWW with a side of WTF? He had be ready to run at hello, when I extended my hand to shake his and he SLID IS HAND UP MY ARM TO MY SHOULDER. . .ummm, next. . . .
Handyman Number 2. . .ahhhh yes, the is one was all nice and very eager to get me to sign a contract right away. Asked him about his references, and he seemed offended, acted like I had breached some norm. . .and when I asked him his on time completion percentage, and overrun on costs he WINKED and told me that he had NEVER had a problem working out deals for those who found added costs to their projects. . .excuse me?
Handyman Number 3- would not talk to me directly, wanted to leave the details to "my husband" when I told him I did not have one he said "well then why don't you just let me worry about the details and I'll tell you how much it will cost to do what needs to be done. . .little lady wink and HEAD PAT" OMG- wow wow wow. . .all that was missing was the part where he led me back to the kitchen and put a pan in my hand to make supper. . .
So, dear blog readers, we now will have to see. . .Am I up for this- HELL to the no, will I have to be. . .oh ya:)


Chetter said...

My dad may be able to help you out - he is a contractor and not a creeper at all ;) His work is phenomenol as well (he made my house liveable before we moved in)

shoot me an email if you want his number.

Ema said...

Oh check your FB left you my e mail:)